D'Avicenne à Averroès, et retour. Sur les sources arabes de la théorie scolastique de l'un transcendantal, 1994
By: Alain de Libera
Title D'Avicenne à Averroès, et retour. Sur les sources arabes de la théorie scolastique de l'un transcendantal
Type Article
Language French
Date 1994
Journal Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Volume 4
Pages 141–179
Categories Metaphysics, Avicenna
Author(s) Alain de Libera
The scholastic doctrine of transcendentals is inherited from Arabic philosophy to a certain extent. This dependance is clearly illustrated in the construction of the problematic of the transcendental one, which is identical with being, and of the numerical one, which is not. The scholastic discussion as a whole reproduces the major themes of Avicenna's position, then of Averroes' criticism of Avicenna. This article attempts to reconstruct the complex of questions, topics, and arguments which constitute this problematic by tracing its evolution through the analysis of anonymous sophismata and of texts by Nicholas of Paris, Roger Bacon, Albert the Great, and James of Viterbo. Two stages are distinguished: the first is centered on the distinction between the transcendental and numerical one; the second, essentially German (Dietrich of Freiberg and Berthold of Moosburg), is centered on the subordination of the Aristotelian to the Platonic concept of the transcendental one. Along the way, it is shown that, with the exception of the German philosophers, the understanding of Avicenna's position is constantly filtered through Averroes' interpretation.

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D'Avicenne à Averroès, et retour. Sur les sources arabes de la théorie scolastique de l'un transcendantal, 1994
By: Alain de Libera
Title D'Avicenne à Averroès, et retour. Sur les sources arabes de la théorie scolastique de l'un transcendantal
Type Article
Language French
Date 1994
Journal Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Volume 4
Pages 141–179
Categories Metaphysics, Avicenna
Author(s) Alain de Libera
The scholastic doctrine of transcendentals is inherited from Arabic philosophy to a certain extent. This dependance is clearly illustrated in the construction of the problematic of the transcendental one, which is identical with being, and of the numerical one, which is not. The scholastic discussion as a whole reproduces the major themes of Avicenna's position, then of Averroes' criticism of Avicenna. This article attempts to reconstruct the complex of questions, topics, and arguments which constitute this problematic by tracing its evolution through the analysis of anonymous sophismata and of texts by Nicholas of Paris, Roger Bacon, Albert the Great, and James of Viterbo. Two stages are distinguished: the first is centered on the distinction between the transcendental and numerical one; the second, essentially German (Dietrich of Freiberg and Berthold of Moosburg), is centered on the subordination of the Aristotelian to the Platonic concept of the transcendental one. Along the way, it is shown that, with the exception of the German philosophers, the understanding of Avicenna's position is constantly filtered through Averroes' interpretation.

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