La position de Zabarella vis-à-vis d’Averroès dans son Commentaire sur le De anima, 2021
By: Jules Janssens
Title La position de Zabarella vis-à-vis d’Averroès dans son Commentaire sur le De anima
Type Article
Language French
Date 2021
Journal Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph
Volume 68
Pages 105–135
Categories Renaissance, Tradition and Reception, Commentary, De anima
Author(s) Jules Janssens
Dans son commentaire sur le De anima d’Aristote Zabarella fait un usage non négligeable du Grand Commentaire sur le même ouvrage d’Averroès, le grand penseur andalou. On a pris l’habitude de considérer que Zabarella n’a pas pu finaliser son commentaire, étant donné qu’il fut publié à titre posthume. Il s’agirait donc d’un ouvrage incomplet. Toutefois, si on tient compte du fait que Zabarella s’intéresse avant tout, voire presque exclusivement, à l’étude de l’âme humaine, tout indique qu’il a consciemment choisi de ne pas commenter certains chapitres de l’ouvrage du Stagirite. Quant à l’impact d’Averroès sur la doctrine de l’âme exposée par Zabarella, elle a été diversement évaluée dans la recherche contemporaine, mais dans l’ensemble on y perçoit une attitude fortement critique du dernier envers le premier. Il est nécessaire de nuancer ce jugement. En effet, sur la base de trois fragments, répartis sur les trois livres, la présente recherche met en lumière qu’Averroès est considéré par Zabarella comme une vraie autorité, « auctoritas » ; que Zabarella souscrit parfois pleinement à l’interprétation du maître arabe ; et, enfin, que Zabarella explique certaines explications « erronées » de ce dernier comme l’effet inévitable de la traduction fautive du texte aristotélicien dont Averroès disposait. En somme, l’attitude de Zabarella vis-à-vis d’Averroès s’avère complexe, évitant aussi bien l’excès d’un rejet total que celui d’une acceptation aveugle.

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An Essay Review of In the Age of Averroes: Arabic Philosophy in the Sixth/Twelfth Century, 2012
By: Jules Louis Janssens
Title An Essay Review of In the Age of Averroes: Arabic Philosophy in the Sixth/Twelfth Century
Type Article
Language English
Date 2012
Journal Ilahiyat Studies. A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies
Volume 3
Issue 1
Pages 117–127
Categories Review
Author(s) Jules Louis Janssens
This volume concludes a series of three books devoted to Arabic philosophy. The first volume, published in 2007, addressed the sources and the reception of classical Arabic philosophy, and the second volume considered Arabic philosophy in the fourth/tenth century. It is immediately striking that the eleventh century, which, in line with the project, undoubtedly had to be qualified as the age of Ibn Sīnā, has been skipped. At first sight, there seems to be little philosophy during this time besides Ibn Sīnā himself and his so-called immediate disciples. Among the latter, however, one detects important differences in the way they address their master's legacy. Moreover, the eleventh century is the period in which Ibn Sīnā's philosophy entered Ashʿarite theology, perhaps already in al-Juwaynī's thought and certainly in al-Ghazālī's. Much of what comes to the fore in the present volume results from or has some basis in these facts. Let me add that in Muslim Andalusia during this century, one finds such a major thinker as Ibn Ḥazm, who, although above all a theologian, considered philosophical ideas and, inter alia, refers to al-Kindī. Hence, it is regrettable that no attention has been paid to this period. This said, the project as such has offered many new perspectives regarding classical Arabic philosophy, and the present volume is no exception. In particular, this volume shows the vivacity of philosophy, especially in Ibn Sīnā's view, in the twelfth century. As Peter Adamson, the editor, states in the introduction, the twelfth century may be characterized as a second formative period.

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Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis..., 2006
By: Jules Janssens
Title Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis...
Type Article
Language French
Date 2006
Journal Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Volume 49
Pages 181
Categories Cosmology, Review
Author(s) Jules Janssens

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"1337","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1337,"authors_free":[{"id":1523,"entry_id":1337,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":655,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Jules Janssens","free_first_name":"Jules","free_last_name":"Janssens","norm_person":{"id":655,"first_name":"Jules","last_name":"Janssens","full_name":"Jules Janssens","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/139312471","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/81614","db_url":"https:\/\/\/pnd139312471.html","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Jules Janssens"}}],"entry_title":"Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis...","title_transcript":null,"title_translation":null,"main_title":{"title":"Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis..."},"abstract":null,"btype":3,"date":"2006","language":"French","online_url":null,"doi_url":null,"ti_url":null,"categories":[{"id":19,"category_name":"Cosmology","link":"bib?categories[]=Cosmology"},{"id":49,"category_name":"Review","link":"bib?categories[]=Review"}],"authors":[{"id":655,"full_name":"Jules Janssens","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1337,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Cahiers de civilisation m\u00e9di\u00e9vale","volume":"49","issue":null,"pages":"181"}},"sort":[2006]}

An Essay Review of In the Age of Averroes: Arabic Philosophy in the Sixth/Twelfth Century, 2012
By: Jules Louis Janssens
Title An Essay Review of In the Age of Averroes: Arabic Philosophy in the Sixth/Twelfth Century
Type Article
Language English
Date 2012
Journal Ilahiyat Studies. A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies
Volume 3
Issue 1
Pages 117–127
Categories Review
Author(s) Jules Louis Janssens
This volume concludes a series of three books devoted to Arabic philosophy. The first volume, published in 2007, addressed the sources and the reception of classical Arabic philosophy, and the second volume considered Arabic philosophy in the fourth/tenth century. It is immediately striking that the eleventh century, which, in line with the project, undoubtedly had to be qualified as the age of Ibn Sīnā, has been skipped. At first sight, there seems to be little philosophy during this time besides Ibn Sīnā himself and his so-called immediate disciples. Among the latter, however, one detects important differences in the way they address their master's legacy. Moreover, the eleventh century is the period in which Ibn Sīnā's philosophy entered Ashʿarite theology, perhaps already in al-Juwaynī's thought and certainly in al-Ghazālī's. Much of what comes to the fore in the present volume results from or has some basis in these facts. Let me add that in Muslim Andalusia during this century, one finds such a major thinker as Ibn Ḥazm, who, although above all a theologian, considered philosophical ideas and, inter alia, refers to al-Kindī. Hence, it is regrettable that no attention has been paid to this period. This said, the project as such has offered many new perspectives regarding classical Arabic philosophy, and the present volume is no exception. In particular, this volume shows the vivacity of philosophy, especially in Ibn Sīnā's view, in the twelfth century. As Peter Adamson, the editor, states in the introduction, the twelfth century may be characterized as a second formative period.

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Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis..., 2006
By: Jules Janssens
Title Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis...
Type Article
Language French
Date 2006
Journal Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Volume 49
Pages 181
Categories Cosmology, Review
Author(s) Jules Janssens

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"1337","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1337,"authors_free":[{"id":1523,"entry_id":1337,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":655,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Jules Janssens","free_first_name":"Jules","free_last_name":"Janssens","norm_person":{"id":655,"first_name":"Jules","last_name":"Janssens","full_name":"Jules Janssens","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/139312471","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/81614","db_url":"https:\/\/\/pnd139312471.html","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Jules Janssens"}}],"entry_title":"Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis...","title_transcript":null,"title_translation":null,"main_title":{"title":"Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis..."},"abstract":null,"btype":3,"date":"2006","language":"French","online_url":null,"doi_url":null,"ti_url":null,"categories":[{"id":19,"category_name":"Cosmology","link":"bib?categories[]=Cosmology"},{"id":49,"category_name":"Review","link":"bib?categories[]=Review"}],"authors":[{"id":655,"full_name":"Jules Janssens","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1337,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Cahiers de civilisation m\u00e9di\u00e9vale","volume":"49","issue":null,"pages":"181"}},"sort":["Comptes rendus. Averrois Cordubensis Commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis..."]}

La position de Zabarella vis-à-vis d’Averroès dans son Commentaire sur le De anima, 2021
By: Jules Janssens
Title La position de Zabarella vis-à-vis d’Averroès dans son Commentaire sur le De anima
Type Article
Language French
Date 2021
Journal Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph
Volume 68
Pages 105–135
Categories Renaissance, Tradition and Reception, Commentary, De anima
Author(s) Jules Janssens
Dans son commentaire sur le De anima d’Aristote Zabarella fait un usage non négligeable du Grand Commentaire sur le même ouvrage d’Averroès, le grand penseur andalou. On a pris l’habitude de considérer que Zabarella n’a pas pu finaliser son commentaire, étant donné qu’il fut publié à titre posthume. Il s’agirait donc d’un ouvrage incomplet. Toutefois, si on tient compte du fait que Zabarella s’intéresse avant tout, voire presque exclusivement, à l’étude de l’âme humaine, tout indique qu’il a consciemment choisi de ne pas commenter certains chapitres de l’ouvrage du Stagirite. Quant à l’impact d’Averroès sur la doctrine de l’âme exposée par Zabarella, elle a été diversement évaluée dans la recherche contemporaine, mais dans l’ensemble on y perçoit une attitude fortement critique du dernier envers le premier. Il est nécessaire de nuancer ce jugement. En effet, sur la base de trois fragments, répartis sur les trois livres, la présente recherche met en lumière qu’Averroès est considéré par Zabarella comme une vraie autorité, « auctoritas » ; que Zabarella souscrit parfois pleinement à l’interprétation du maître arabe ; et, enfin, que Zabarella explique certaines explications « erronées » de ce dernier comme l’effet inévitable de la traduction fautive du texte aristotélicien dont Averroès disposait. En somme, l’attitude de Zabarella vis-à-vis d’Averroès s’avère complexe, évitant aussi bien l’excès d’un rejet total que celui d’une acceptation aveugle.

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