Métaphysique et politique “en intention seconde”: Jean de Jandun héritier d’Averroès et d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise, 2018
By: Jean-Baptiste Brenet
Title Métaphysique et politique “en intention seconde”: Jean de Jandun héritier d’Averroès et d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise
Type Article
Language French
Date 2018
Journal Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age
Volume 85
Pages 108–127
Categories Alexander of Aphrodisias, Averroism, Metaphysics, Politics
Author(s) Jean-Baptiste Brenet
The aim of the paper is twofold. First, to present the position of the Master of Arts John of Jandun (d. 1328) on the relationship between the metaphysical and the political; and second, to show how his solution, based on the idea of an agency “in second intention,” makes him a follower of Averroes and, more remotely, of Alexander of Aphrodisias’s doctrine on providence. Although the philosopher must play a key role in the city-state as the prince’s teacher on divine truths, this role does not make him a subordinate in any way, because he is turned towards others only in secunda intentione. How does John of Jandun flesh this out? And what does he owe to the metaphysical providence defended by his Greek and Arabic predecessors? These are the issues the paper deals with.

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La cuestión De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averroístas, 2017
By: Pilar Herraiz Oliva
Title La cuestión De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averroístas
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2017
Journal Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo
Volume 1
Pages 51-71.
Categories Metaphysics, Cosmology, Averroism
Author(s) Pilar Herraiz Oliva
En el siglo XIII, en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de París, surge el averroísmo como movimiento filosófico que defiende la autonomía de la filosofía y de la razón. Una de las polémicas más relevantes en este período es la que tiene que ver con el origen del mundo, cuestión que ya tratara Averroes y que tiene de fondo la propia concepción de la realidad. En este artículo desarrollaremos las distintas posiciones de los autores más relevantes de este movimiento con respecto a la tesis sobre la eternidad del mundo y cuestionaremos la existencia de una posición unánime en torno a la misma que pueda ser considerada averroísta como tal.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5587","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5587,"authors_free":[{"id":6484,"entry_id":5587,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1679,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Pilar Herraiz Oliva","free_first_name":"Pilar","free_last_name":"Herraiz Oliva","norm_person":{"id":1679,"first_name":"Pilar","last_name":"Herr\u00e1iz Oliva","full_name":"Pilar Herr\u00e1iz Oliva","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"https:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1269042130","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null,"link":"bib?authors[]=Pilar Herr\u00e1iz Oliva"}}],"entry_title":"La cuesti\u00f3n De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averro\u00edstas","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"La cuesti\u00f3n De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averro\u00edstas"},"abstract":"En el siglo XIII, en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Par\u00eds, surge el averro\u00edsmo como movimiento filos\u00f3fico que defiende la autonom\u00eda de la filosof\u00eda y de la raz\u00f3n. Una de las pol\u00e9micas m\u00e1s relevantes en este per\u00edodo es la que tiene que ver con el origen del mundo, cuesti\u00f3n que ya tratara Averroes y que tiene de fondo la propia concepci\u00f3n de la realidad. En este art\u00edculo desarrollaremos las distintas posiciones de los autores m\u00e1s relevantes de este movimiento con respecto a la tesis sobre la eternidad del mundo y cuestionaremos la existencia de una posici\u00f3n un\u00e1nime en torno a la misma que pueda ser considerada averro\u00edsta como tal.","btype":3,"date":"2017","language":"Spanish","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.25185\/1.4","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"},{"id":19,"category_name":"Cosmology","link":"bib?categories[]=Cosmology"},{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"}],"authors":[{"id":1679,"full_name":"Pilar Herr\u00e1iz Oliva","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5587,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo","volume":"1","issue":"","pages":"51-71."}},"sort":[2017]}

Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness, Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th century Jewish Averroist, 2015
By: Yehuda Halper
Title Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness, Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th century Jewish Averroist
Type Article
Language English
Date 2015
Journal Quaestio
Volume 15
Pages 309–318
Categories Averroism, Jewish Averroism, Commentary, Metaphysics
Author(s) Yehuda Halper
The 15th century Jewish Aragonian thinker, Abraham Bibago treats conjunction in his two main works, Derekh Emunah (“The Way of Faith”) and Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In the former, which explicitly interprets Biblical and Talmudic stories along philosophical lines, Bibago promotes a neo-Platonic intellectual emanation schema and boldly asserts that human happiness is attained through conjunction with higher intellects. In the Commentary, which primarily treats Aristotle’s Metaphysics and Averroes’ commentaries on it, Bibago gives an account of conjunction that does not necessarily fit with the intellectual conjunction of Derekh Emunah. Indeed, his remarks in the Commentary are much less decisive about human happiness, suggesting that Bibago qua philosopher is more open minded about the summum bonum than he is qua religious thinker.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5247","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5247,"authors_free":[{"id":6056,"entry_id":5247,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1500,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Yehuda Halper","free_first_name":"Yehuda","free_last_name":"Halper","norm_person":{"id":1500,"first_name":"Yehuda","last_name":"Halper","full_name":"Yehuda Halper","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/142969923","viaf_url":"http:\/\/viaf.org\/viaf\/177995327","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Yehuda Halper"}}],"entry_title":"Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness, Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th century Jewish Averroist","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness, Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th century Jewish Averroist"},"abstract":"The 15th century Jewish Aragonian thinker, Abraham Bibago treats conjunction in his two main works, Derekh Emunah (\u201cThe Way of Faith\u201d) and Commentary on Aristotle\u2019s Metaphysics. In the former, which explicitly interprets Biblical and Talmudic stories along philosophical lines, Bibago promotes a neo-Platonic intellectual emanation schema and boldly asserts that human happiness is attained through conjunction with higher intellects. In the Commentary, which primarily treats Aristotle\u2019s Metaphysics and Averroes\u2019 commentaries on it, Bibago gives an account of conjunction that does not necessarily fit with the intellectual conjunction of Derekh Emunah. Indeed, his remarks in the Commentary are much less decisive about human happiness, suggesting that Bibago qua philosopher is more open minded about the summum bonum than he is qua religious thinker.","btype":3,"date":"2015","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1484\/J.QUAESTIO.5.108606","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"},{"id":8,"category_name":"Jewish Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Jewish Averroism"},{"id":23,"category_name":"Commentary","link":"bib?categories[]=Commentary"},{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"}],"authors":[{"id":1500,"full_name":"Yehuda Halper","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5247,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Quaestio","volume":"15","issue":"","pages":"309\u2013318"}},"sort":[2015]}

A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century, 2015
By: Ali Ghorbani, Fath ali Akbari
Title A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century
Type Article
Language Persian
Date 2015
Journal Comparative Theology
Volume 5
Issue 12
Pages 69-84
Categories Epistemology, Averroism, Theology, Metaphysics
Author(s) Ali Ghorbani , Fath ali Akbari
In the thirteenth century, along with the return of the European thinkers and philosophers to Aristotelian philosophy and the emergence of the contradiction between Aristotle's philosophy and Christian teachings and religious beliefs, the church put forward a theory known as dual reality. According to this theory everything that is true in theology, its opposite can also be true in philosophy. With this theory, the church accused the philosophers of heresy, while the followers of Averroes considered themselves free of this charge. In his book Faṣl al-maqāl, Averroes appeared to be in favor of the above mentioned theory in a different form. By a precise analysis of the theory through reviewing the now available sources and considering the events followed by attributing this view to the philosophers, one can infer different implications from the theory from the perspective of each of the three sides involved (i.e. Averroes, followers of Averroes and church) and the following division can be sketched: 1- ontological implications: that is to believe in the existence of two types of realities in the universe which can be described in two ways: A) two contradictory scopes in the universe B) two distinct scopes in the universe. 2- Epistemological implications of the dual reality: A) Two ways to reach one reality. B) Two dictions to narrate one reality. C) Duality of the reality in practice. D) Two levels of one single reality. By analyzing each of these implications of the dual reality, one can be led to some consequences according to which based on different works of Averroes he cannot be accused of believing in a kind of duality which makes him deserve heresy.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5579","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5579,"authors_free":[{"id":6476,"entry_id":5579,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Ali Ghorbani","free_first_name":"Ali ","free_last_name":"Ghorbani","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}},{"id":6477,"entry_id":5579,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Fath ali Akbari","free_first_name":"Fath ali ","free_last_name":"Akbari","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}}],"entry_title":"A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century"},"abstract":"In the thirteenth century, along with the return of the European thinkers and philosophers to Aristotelian philosophy and the emergence of the contradiction between Aristotle's philosophy and Christian teachings and religious beliefs, the church put forward a theory known as dual reality. According to this theory everything that is true in theology, its opposite can also be true in philosophy. With this theory, the church accused the philosophers of heresy, while the followers of Averroes considered themselves free of this charge. In his book Fa\u1e63l al-maq\u0101l, Averroes appeared to be in favor of the above mentioned theory in a different form. By a precise analysis of the theory through reviewing the now available sources and considering the events followed by attributing this view to the philosophers, one can infer different implications from the theory from the perspective of each of the three sides involved (i.e. Averroes, followers of Averroes and church) and the following division can be sketched: 1- ontological implications: that is to believe in the existence of two types of realities in the universe which can be described in two ways: A) two contradictory scopes in the universe B) two distinct scopes in the universe. 2- Epistemological implications of the dual reality: A) Two ways to reach one reality. B) Two dictions to narrate one reality. C) Duality of the reality in practice. D) Two levels of one single reality. By analyzing each of these implications of the dual reality, one can be led to some consequences according to which based on different works of Averroes he cannot be accused of believing in a kind of duality which makes him deserve heresy.","btype":3,"date":"2015","language":"Persian","online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":73,"category_name":"Epistemology","link":"bib?categories[]=Epistemology"},{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"},{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"}],"authors":[{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1},{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5579,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Comparative Theology","volume":"5","issue":"12","pages":"69-84"}},"sort":[2015]}

Autour de Pomponazzi: Problématique de l'immortalité de l'ame en Italie au début du XVIe siècle, 1961
By: Étienne Gilson
Title Autour de Pomponazzi: Problématique de l'immortalité de l'ame en Italie au début du XVIe siècle
Type Article
Language French
Date 1961
Journal Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age
Volume 28
Pages 163-279
Categories Averroism, Metaphysics, Psychology, Tradition and Reception
Author(s) Étienne Gilson

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5671","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5671,"authors_free":[{"id":6575,"entry_id":5671,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1873,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"\u00c9tienne Gilson","free_first_name":"\u00c9tienne ","free_last_name":"Gilson","norm_person":{"id":1873,"first_name":"Etienne ","last_name":"Gilson","full_name":"Etienne Gilson","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"https:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/118717480","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null,"link":"bib?authors[]=Etienne Gilson"}}],"entry_title":"Autour de Pomponazzi: Probl\u00e9matique de l'immortalit\u00e9 de l'ame en Italie au d\u00e9but du XVIe si\u00e8cle","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Autour de Pomponazzi: Probl\u00e9matique de l'immortalit\u00e9 de l'ame en Italie au d\u00e9but du XVIe si\u00e8cle"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1961","language":"French","online_url":"https:\/\/www.jstor.org\/stable\/44403124","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"},{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"},{"id":12,"category_name":"Psychology","link":"bib?categories[]=Psychology"},{"id":43,"category_name":"Tradition and Reception","link":"bib?categories[]=Tradition and Reception"}],"authors":[{"id":1873,"full_name":"Etienne Gilson","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5671,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litt\u00e9raire du Moyen Age","volume":"28","issue":"","pages":"163-279"}},"sort":[1961]}

A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century, 2015
By: Ali Ghorbani, Fath ali Akbari
Title A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century
Type Article
Language Persian
Date 2015
Journal Comparative Theology
Volume 5
Issue 12
Pages 69-84
Categories Epistemology, Averroism, Theology, Metaphysics
Author(s) Ali Ghorbani , Fath ali Akbari
In the thirteenth century, along with the return of the European thinkers and philosophers to Aristotelian philosophy and the emergence of the contradiction between Aristotle's philosophy and Christian teachings and religious beliefs, the church put forward a theory known as dual reality. According to this theory everything that is true in theology, its opposite can also be true in philosophy. With this theory, the church accused the philosophers of heresy, while the followers of Averroes considered themselves free of this charge. In his book Faṣl al-maqāl, Averroes appeared to be in favor of the above mentioned theory in a different form. By a precise analysis of the theory through reviewing the now available sources and considering the events followed by attributing this view to the philosophers, one can infer different implications from the theory from the perspective of each of the three sides involved (i.e. Averroes, followers of Averroes and church) and the following division can be sketched: 1- ontological implications: that is to believe in the existence of two types of realities in the universe which can be described in two ways: A) two contradictory scopes in the universe B) two distinct scopes in the universe. 2- Epistemological implications of the dual reality: A) Two ways to reach one reality. B) Two dictions to narrate one reality. C) Duality of the reality in practice. D) Two levels of one single reality. By analyzing each of these implications of the dual reality, one can be led to some consequences according to which based on different works of Averroes he cannot be accused of believing in a kind of duality which makes him deserve heresy.

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Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness, Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th century Jewish Averroist, 2015
By: Yehuda Halper
Title Abraham Bibago on Intellectual Conjunction and Human Happiness, Faith and Metaphysics according to a 15th century Jewish Averroist
Type Article
Language English
Date 2015
Journal Quaestio
Volume 15
Pages 309–318
Categories Averroism, Jewish Averroism, Commentary, Metaphysics
Author(s) Yehuda Halper
The 15th century Jewish Aragonian thinker, Abraham Bibago treats conjunction in his two main works, Derekh Emunah (“The Way of Faith”) and Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In the former, which explicitly interprets Biblical and Talmudic stories along philosophical lines, Bibago promotes a neo-Platonic intellectual emanation schema and boldly asserts that human happiness is attained through conjunction with higher intellects. In the Commentary, which primarily treats Aristotle’s Metaphysics and Averroes’ commentaries on it, Bibago gives an account of conjunction that does not necessarily fit with the intellectual conjunction of Derekh Emunah. Indeed, his remarks in the Commentary are much less decisive about human happiness, suggesting that Bibago qua philosopher is more open minded about the summum bonum than he is qua religious thinker.

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Autour de Pomponazzi: Problématique de l'immortalité de l'ame en Italie au début du XVIe siècle, 1961
By: Étienne Gilson
Title Autour de Pomponazzi: Problématique de l'immortalité de l'ame en Italie au début du XVIe siècle
Type Article
Language French
Date 1961
Journal Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age
Volume 28
Pages 163-279
Categories Averroism, Metaphysics, Psychology, Tradition and Reception
Author(s) Étienne Gilson

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5671","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5671,"authors_free":[{"id":6575,"entry_id":5671,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1873,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"\u00c9tienne Gilson","free_first_name":"\u00c9tienne ","free_last_name":"Gilson","norm_person":{"id":1873,"first_name":"Etienne ","last_name":"Gilson","full_name":"Etienne Gilson","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"https:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/118717480","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null,"link":"bib?authors[]=Etienne Gilson"}}],"entry_title":"Autour de Pomponazzi: Probl\u00e9matique de l'immortalit\u00e9 de l'ame en Italie au d\u00e9but du XVIe si\u00e8cle","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Autour de Pomponazzi: Probl\u00e9matique de l'immortalit\u00e9 de l'ame en Italie au d\u00e9but du XVIe si\u00e8cle"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1961","language":"French","online_url":"https:\/\/www.jstor.org\/stable\/44403124","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"},{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"},{"id":12,"category_name":"Psychology","link":"bib?categories[]=Psychology"},{"id":43,"category_name":"Tradition and Reception","link":"bib?categories[]=Tradition and Reception"}],"authors":[{"id":1873,"full_name":"Etienne Gilson","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5671,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litt\u00e9raire du Moyen Age","volume":"28","issue":"","pages":"163-279"}},"sort":["Autour de Pomponazzi: Probl\u00e9matique de l'immortalit\u00e9 de l'ame en Italie au d\u00e9but du XVIe si\u00e8cle"]}

La cuestión De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averroístas, 2017
By: Pilar Herraiz Oliva
Title La cuestión De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averroístas
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2017
Journal Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo
Volume 1
Pages 51-71.
Categories Metaphysics, Cosmology, Averroism
Author(s) Pilar Herraiz Oliva
En el siglo XIII, en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de París, surge el averroísmo como movimiento filosófico que defiende la autonomía de la filosofía y de la razón. Una de las polémicas más relevantes en este período es la que tiene que ver con el origen del mundo, cuestión que ya tratara Averroes y que tiene de fondo la propia concepción de la realidad. En este artículo desarrollaremos las distintas posiciones de los autores más relevantes de este movimiento con respecto a la tesis sobre la eternidad del mundo y cuestionaremos la existencia de una posición unánime en torno a la misma que pueda ser considerada averroísta como tal.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5587","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5587,"authors_free":[{"id":6484,"entry_id":5587,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1679,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Pilar Herraiz Oliva","free_first_name":"Pilar","free_last_name":"Herraiz Oliva","norm_person":{"id":1679,"first_name":"Pilar","last_name":"Herr\u00e1iz Oliva","full_name":"Pilar Herr\u00e1iz Oliva","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"https:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1269042130","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null,"link":"bib?authors[]=Pilar Herr\u00e1iz Oliva"}}],"entry_title":"La cuesti\u00f3n De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averro\u00edstas","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"La cuesti\u00f3n De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averro\u00edstas"},"abstract":"En el siglo XIII, en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Par\u00eds, surge el averro\u00edsmo como movimiento filos\u00f3fico que defiende la autonom\u00eda de la filosof\u00eda y de la raz\u00f3n. Una de las pol\u00e9micas m\u00e1s relevantes en este per\u00edodo es la que tiene que ver con el origen del mundo, cuesti\u00f3n que ya tratara Averroes y que tiene de fondo la propia concepci\u00f3n de la realidad. En este art\u00edculo desarrollaremos las distintas posiciones de los autores m\u00e1s relevantes de este movimiento con respecto a la tesis sobre la eternidad del mundo y cuestionaremos la existencia de una posici\u00f3n un\u00e1nime en torno a la misma que pueda ser considerada averro\u00edsta como tal.","btype":3,"date":"2017","language":"Spanish","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.25185\/1.4","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"},{"id":19,"category_name":"Cosmology","link":"bib?categories[]=Cosmology"},{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"}],"authors":[{"id":1679,"full_name":"Pilar Herr\u00e1iz Oliva","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5587,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo","volume":"1","issue":"","pages":"51-71."}},"sort":["La cuesti\u00f3n De aeternitate mundi en Averroes y los averro\u00edstas"]}

Métaphysique et politique “en intention seconde”: Jean de Jandun héritier d’Averroès et d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise, 2018
By: Jean-Baptiste Brenet
Title Métaphysique et politique “en intention seconde”: Jean de Jandun héritier d’Averroès et d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise
Type Article
Language French
Date 2018
Journal Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age
Volume 85
Pages 108–127
Categories Alexander of Aphrodisias, Averroism, Metaphysics, Politics
Author(s) Jean-Baptiste Brenet
The aim of the paper is twofold. First, to present the position of the Master of Arts John of Jandun (d. 1328) on the relationship between the metaphysical and the political; and second, to show how his solution, based on the idea of an agency “in second intention,” makes him a follower of Averroes and, more remotely, of Alexander of Aphrodisias’s doctrine on providence. Although the philosopher must play a key role in the city-state as the prince’s teacher on divine truths, this role does not make him a subordinate in any way, because he is turned towards others only in secunda intentione. How does John of Jandun flesh this out? And what does he owe to the metaphysical providence defended by his Greek and Arabic predecessors? These are the issues the paper deals with.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5079","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5079,"authors_free":[{"id":5840,"entry_id":5079,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":622,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Jean-Baptiste Brenet","free_first_name":"Jean-Baptiste","free_last_name":"Brenet","norm_person":{"id":622,"first_name":"Jean-Baptiste","last_name":"Brenet","full_name":"Jean-Baptiste Brenet","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/d-nb.info\/gnd\/1051778867","viaf_url":"https:\/\/viaf.org\/viaf\/27224973","db_url":"NULL","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Jean-Baptiste Brenet"}}],"entry_title":"M\u00e9taphysique et politique \u201cen intention seconde\u201d: Jean de Jandun h\u00e9ritier d\u2019Averro\u00e8s et d\u2019Alexandre d\u2019Aphrodise","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"M\u00e9taphysique et politique \u201cen intention seconde\u201d: Jean de Jandun h\u00e9ritier d\u2019Averro\u00e8s et d\u2019Alexandre d\u2019Aphrodise"},"abstract":"The aim of the paper is twofold. First, to present the position of the Master of Arts John of Jandun (d. 1328) on the relationship between the metaphysical and the political; and second, to show how his solution, based on the idea of an agency \u201cin second intention,\u201d makes him a follower of Averroes and, more remotely, of Alexander of Aphrodisias\u2019s doctrine on providence. Although the philosopher must play a key role in the city-state as the prince\u2019s teacher on divine truths, this role does not make him a subordinate in any way, because he is turned towards others only in secunda intentione. How does John of Jandun flesh this out? And what does he owe to the metaphysical providence defended by his Greek and Arabic predecessors? These are the issues the paper deals with.","btype":3,"date":"2018","language":"French","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.3917\/ahdlm.085.0109","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":15,"category_name":"Alexander of Aphrodisias","link":"bib?categories[]=Alexander of Aphrodisias"},{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"},{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"},{"id":4,"category_name":"Politics","link":"bib?categories[]=Politics"}],"authors":[{"id":622,"full_name":"Jean-Baptiste Brenet","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5079,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litt\u00e9raire du Moyen Age","volume":"85","issue":"","pages":"108\u2013127"}},"sort":["M\u00e9taphysique et politique \u201cen intention seconde\u201d: Jean de Jandun h\u00e9ritier d\u2019Averro\u00e8s et d\u2019Alexandre d\u2019Aphrodise"]}

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