La théorie averroïste des dimensions indéterminées dans le Traité sur la substance de la sphére céleste (Livre I, chapitre 2) de Walter Burley. Pour Averroès ou contre Thomas d'Aquin?, 2012
By: Alice Lamy
Title La théorie averroïste des dimensions indéterminées dans le Traité sur la substance de la sphére céleste (Livre I, chapitre 2) de Walter Burley. Pour Averroès ou contre Thomas d'Aquin?
Type Article
Language French
Date 2012
Journal Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie
Volume 59
Issue 1
Pages 26–45
Categories Cosmology
Author(s) Alice Lamy
At the University of Paris in the XIV century, Walter Burley is an erudite commentator of the works of Averroes and felds a particular interest for his teaching on the quantification of matter (De Substantia orbis, I, 2). Although he tries to interpret literally the teachings of the Commentator on the indefinite dimensions in his own comment of this work, his successive definitions of corporeity betray the ontological instability of this metaphysical quantitative principle, which it is impossible to classify either in act or in power, and which it si difficult to identify as a form or as an accident.

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La théorie averroïste des dimensions indéterminées dans le Traité sur la substance de la sphére céleste (Livre I, chapitre 2) de Walter Burley. Pour Averroès ou contre Thomas d'Aquin?, 2012
By: Alice Lamy
Title La théorie averroïste des dimensions indéterminées dans le Traité sur la substance de la sphére céleste (Livre I, chapitre 2) de Walter Burley. Pour Averroès ou contre Thomas d'Aquin?
Type Article
Language French
Date 2012
Journal Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie
Volume 59
Issue 1
Pages 26–45
Categories Cosmology
Author(s) Alice Lamy
At the University of Paris in the XIV century, Walter Burley is an erudite commentator of the works of Averroes and felds a particular interest for his teaching on the quantification of matter (De Substantia orbis, I, 2). Although he tries to interpret literally the teachings of the Commentator on the indefinite dimensions in his own comment of this work, his successive definitions of corporeity betray the ontological instability of this metaphysical quantitative principle, which it is impossible to classify either in act or in power, and which it si difficult to identify as a form or as an accident.

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