İbn Rüşd'de Bilimsel Kanıtlama Yöntemi, 2020
By: Haci Kaya
Title İbn Rüşd'de Bilimsel Kanıtlama Yöntemi
Type Article
Language Turkish
Date 2020
Journal Igdir University Journal of Social Sciences
Volume 23
Pages 27-86
Categories Logic, Commentary
Author(s) Haci Kaya
Averroes wrote small, medium, and magnum commentaries on the Posterior Analytics, which is translated and commented many times until the 12th century, and also originated in original studies. Averroes has established the demonstration once again with his medium and magnum commentaries that are named Talkhis al-Burhan and Sharh al-Burhan/Tafsir al-Burhan, which have been largely successful in reflecting the authenticity of the Posterior Analytics, by placing the demonstration at the center of both his philosophical system and Islamic philosophy. The demonstration, in five arts which are an art encompassing human knowledge types and a method of obtaining these types of knowledge, refers to a method of scientific demonstration that builds the theoretical framework of definitive scientific knowledge. This scientific demonstrative method, which Averroes put at the center of his philosophical system and Islamic philosophy, corresponds to a scientific method that can be called “the inductive-deductive method” based on induction.

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İbn Rüşd'de Bilimsel Kanıtlama Yöntemi, 2020
By: Haci Kaya
Title İbn Rüşd'de Bilimsel Kanıtlama Yöntemi
Type Article
Language Turkish
Date 2020
Journal Igdir University Journal of Social Sciences
Volume 23
Pages 27-86
Categories Logic, Commentary
Author(s) Haci Kaya
Averroes wrote small, medium, and magnum commentaries on the Posterior Analytics, which is translated and commented many times until the 12th century, and also originated in original studies. Averroes has established the demonstration once again with his medium and magnum commentaries that are named Talkhis al-Burhan and Sharh al-Burhan/Tafsir al-Burhan, which have been largely successful in reflecting the authenticity of the Posterior Analytics, by placing the demonstration at the center of both his philosophical system and Islamic philosophy. The demonstration, in five arts which are an art encompassing human knowledge types and a method of obtaining these types of knowledge, refers to a method of scientific demonstration that builds the theoretical framework of definitive scientific knowledge. This scientific demonstrative method, which Averroes put at the center of his philosophical system and Islamic philosophy, corresponds to a scientific method that can be called “the inductive-deductive method” based on induction.

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