Il rapporto fede-ragione nel pensiero ebraico-cristiano-islamico medievale, 2018
By: Carmelo Pandolfi (Ed.), Rafael Pascual (Ed.)
Title Il rapporto fede-ragione nel pensiero ebraico-cristiano-islamico medievale
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2018
Publication Place Rome
Publisher Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Series Ricerche di Storia della Filosofia e Teologia Medioevali
Volume 10
Categories Maimonides, Thomas, Avicenna
Author(s) Carmelo Pandolfi , Rafael Pascual
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti del convegno tenutosi a Gerusalemme, presso il Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, nei giorni 6 e 7 dicembre 2010, a cura della Facoltà di Filosofia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum di Roma. Il convegno riguardava i rapporti tra fede e ragione nella Scolastica medievale ebraica, cristiana ed islamica. Sia quel convegno sia la presente raccolta degli Atti relativi si incastona all’interno della Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali, la cui collaborazione al convegno poteva essere considerata il suo evento di partenza e di lancio. Ringraziamo vivamente tutti coloro che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione del convegno e del volume, particolarmente i Signori Franco ed Olimpia Arosio, genitori del compianto Marco, giovane e valente medievista, richiamato dal Padre a Sé nel 2009. In onore del Professore Marco Arosio questo volume ospita anche una sua relazione, da lui tenuta in un convegno medievista riunitosi in Assisi nel novembre del 1997. Il libro, curato da Carmelo Pandolfi e Rafael Pascual, presenta i contributi dei professori Carmelo Pandolfi, Guido Traversa, Renata Salvarani, Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta, Graziano Perillo, Giovanni Boer, Rafael Pascual, Costantino Sigismondi e Marco Arosio (postumo).

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Religionsphilosophie und Religionskritik. Ein Handbuch, 2018
By: Michael Kühnlein (Ed.)
Title Religionsphilosophie und Religionskritik. Ein Handbuch
Type Edited Book
Language German
Date 2018
Publication Place Berlin
Publisher Suhrkamp
Categories Theology, Plato, Aristotle, Plotin, Augustine, al-Ġazālī, Maimonides, Thomas, Renaissance, Spinoza
Author(s) Michael Kühnlein
Die Wiederkehr der Religion ist in aller Munde. Darin artikuliert sich auch ein Unbehagen an den Entwicklungen einer Moderne, in der die wissenschaftlich-technische Vernunft an ihre Grenzen zu stoßen scheint. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es das Ziel des Handbuchs, die gegenwärtig viel diskutierten Chancen, aber auch die Gefahren, die mit einer Rückkehr der Religion verbunden sind, aus der Perspektive der Religionsphilosophie zu reflektieren. Vorgestellt werden 80 Werke aus fast 2500 Jahren westlicher Geistesgeschichte von Platon bis Charles Taylor, die von ausgewiesenen Experten in ihren historischen Kontext gestellt und in ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte analysiert werden. Ein Handbuch für alle, die an Religionsgeschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Theologie und Philosophie interessiert sind.

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The Pursuit of Happiness in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought. Studies Dedicated to Steven Harvey
By: Yehuda Halper (Ed.)
Title The Pursuit of Happiness in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought. Studies Dedicated to Steven Harvey
Type Edited Book
Language English
Publication Place Turnhout
Publisher Brepols
Series Philosophy in the Abrahamic Tradition of the Middle Ages
Volume 1
Categories Plotin, al-Fārābī, Maimonides, Thomas, Spinoza
Author(s) Yehuda Halper
The articles in this volume explore the teachings on happiness by a range of thinkers from antiquity through Spinoza, most of whom held human happiness to comprise intellectual knowledge of that which is Good in itself, namely God. These thinkers were from Greek pagan, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian backgrounds and wrote their works in Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin. Still, they shared similar philosophical views of what constitutes the Highest Good, and of the intellectual activities to be undertaken in pursuit of that Good. Yet, they differed, often greatly, in the role they assigned to deeds and practical activities in the pursuit of this happiness. These differences were, at times, not only along religious lines, but also along political and ethical lines. Other differences treated the relationship between the body and intellectual happiness and the various ways in which bodily health and well-being can contribute to intellectual health and true happiness.

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Il rapporto fede-ragione nel pensiero ebraico-cristiano-islamico medievale, 2018
By: Carmelo Pandolfi (Ed.), Rafael Pascual (Ed.)
Title Il rapporto fede-ragione nel pensiero ebraico-cristiano-islamico medievale
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2018
Publication Place Rome
Publisher Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Series Ricerche di Storia della Filosofia e Teologia Medioevali
Volume 10
Categories Maimonides, Thomas, Avicenna
Author(s) Carmelo Pandolfi , Rafael Pascual
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti del convegno tenutosi a Gerusalemme, presso il Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, nei giorni 6 e 7 dicembre 2010, a cura della Facoltà di Filosofia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum di Roma. Il convegno riguardava i rapporti tra fede e ragione nella Scolastica medievale ebraica, cristiana ed islamica. Sia quel convegno sia la presente raccolta degli Atti relativi si incastona all’interno della Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali, la cui collaborazione al convegno poteva essere considerata il suo evento di partenza e di lancio. Ringraziamo vivamente tutti coloro che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione del convegno e del volume, particolarmente i Signori Franco ed Olimpia Arosio, genitori del compianto Marco, giovane e valente medievista, richiamato dal Padre a Sé nel 2009. In onore del Professore Marco Arosio questo volume ospita anche una sua relazione, da lui tenuta in un convegno medievista riunitosi in Assisi nel novembre del 1997. Il libro, curato da Carmelo Pandolfi e Rafael Pascual, presenta i contributi dei professori Carmelo Pandolfi, Guido Traversa, Renata Salvarani, Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta, Graziano Perillo, Giovanni Boer, Rafael Pascual, Costantino Sigismondi e Marco Arosio (postumo).

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Religionsphilosophie und Religionskritik. Ein Handbuch, 2018
By: Michael Kühnlein (Ed.)
Title Religionsphilosophie und Religionskritik. Ein Handbuch
Type Edited Book
Language German
Date 2018
Publication Place Berlin
Publisher Suhrkamp
Categories Theology, Plato, Aristotle, Plotin, Augustine, al-Ġazālī, Maimonides, Thomas, Renaissance, Spinoza
Author(s) Michael Kühnlein
Die Wiederkehr der Religion ist in aller Munde. Darin artikuliert sich auch ein Unbehagen an den Entwicklungen einer Moderne, in der die wissenschaftlich-technische Vernunft an ihre Grenzen zu stoßen scheint. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es das Ziel des Handbuchs, die gegenwärtig viel diskutierten Chancen, aber auch die Gefahren, die mit einer Rückkehr der Religion verbunden sind, aus der Perspektive der Religionsphilosophie zu reflektieren. Vorgestellt werden 80 Werke aus fast 2500 Jahren westlicher Geistesgeschichte von Platon bis Charles Taylor, die von ausgewiesenen Experten in ihren historischen Kontext gestellt und in ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte analysiert werden. Ein Handbuch für alle, die an Religionsgeschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Theologie und Philosophie interessiert sind.

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The Pursuit of Happiness in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought. Studies Dedicated to Steven Harvey
By: Yehuda Halper (Ed.)
Title The Pursuit of Happiness in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought. Studies Dedicated to Steven Harvey
Type Edited Book
Language English
Publication Place Turnhout
Publisher Brepols
Series Philosophy in the Abrahamic Tradition of the Middle Ages
Volume 1
Categories Plotin, al-Fārābī, Maimonides, Thomas, Spinoza
Author(s) Yehuda Halper
The articles in this volume explore the teachings on happiness by a range of thinkers from antiquity through Spinoza, most of whom held human happiness to comprise intellectual knowledge of that which is Good in itself, namely God. These thinkers were from Greek pagan, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian backgrounds and wrote their works in Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin. Still, they shared similar philosophical views of what constitutes the Highest Good, and of the intellectual activities to be undertaken in pursuit of that Good. Yet, they differed, often greatly, in the role they assigned to deeds and practical activities in the pursuit of this happiness. These differences were, at times, not only along religious lines, but also along political and ethical lines. Other differences treated the relationship between the body and intellectual happiness and the various ways in which bodily health and well-being can contribute to intellectual health and true happiness.

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