Dante et l’averroïsme, 2019
By: Alain de Libera (Ed.), Jean-Baptiste Brenet (Ed.), Irène Rosier-Catach (Ed.)
Title Dante et l’averroïsme
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2019
Publication Place Paris
Publisher Les Belles Lettres & Collège de France
Series Docet omina
Volume 5
Categories Averroism, Politics, Theology, Metaphysics
Author(s) Alain de Libera , Jean-Baptiste Brenet , Irène Rosier-Catach
Dante averroïste ? Le plus grand poète du Moyen Âge fut-il le disciple du plus grand philosophe arabe ? La Divine Comédie place Averroès, l’auteur du « Grand commentaire » d’Aristote, en Enfer, et en Paradis son disciple latin Siger de Brabant qui, dans l’actuelle « rue du Fouarre » à Paris, mettait en syllogismes « des vérités importunes ». Jugement de Salomon ? Ce volume collectif traite en détail l’un des chapitres les plus controversés de l’histoire comme de l’historiographie de la philosophie et de la théologie médiévales. Revisitant les textes philosophiques et poétiques de Dante, de la Vita nova au Convivio, au De vulgari eloquentia et à la Monarchia, examinant les productions et les thèses de ses contemporains, interlocuteurs, amis et adversaires, médecins, philosophes et poètes, rappelant et discutant les thèses de ses lecteurs anciens et modernes, les meilleurs spécialistes des domaines concernés, philosophes et italianistes, dressent le bilan de deux siècles d’études sur Dante, mais aussi sur Cavalcanti et sur l’averroïsme latin. Suivant trois grands axes, le langage et la pensée, les émotions, la politique, c’est au coeur de l’histoire et de la culture européennes, à Paris, à Florence, sur les routes de l’exil, que les contributions ici rassemblées plongeront lectrices et lecteurs amoureux de Dante, de l’Italie et de la littérature.

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A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century, 2015
By: Ali Ghorbani, Fath ali Akbari
Title A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century
Type Article
Language Persian
Date 2015
Journal Comparative Theology
Volume 5
Issue 12
Pages 69-84
Categories Epistemology, Averroism, Theology, Metaphysics
Author(s) Ali Ghorbani , Fath ali Akbari
In the thirteenth century, along with the return of the European thinkers and philosophers to Aristotelian philosophy and the emergence of the contradiction between Aristotle's philosophy and Christian teachings and religious beliefs, the church put forward a theory known as dual reality. According to this theory everything that is true in theology, its opposite can also be true in philosophy. With this theory, the church accused the philosophers of heresy, while the followers of Averroes considered themselves free of this charge. In his book Faṣl al-maqāl, Averroes appeared to be in favor of the above mentioned theory in a different form. By a precise analysis of the theory through reviewing the now available sources and considering the events followed by attributing this view to the philosophers, one can infer different implications from the theory from the perspective of each of the three sides involved (i.e. Averroes, followers of Averroes and church) and the following division can be sketched: 1- ontological implications: that is to believe in the existence of two types of realities in the universe which can be described in two ways: A) two contradictory scopes in the universe B) two distinct scopes in the universe. 2- Epistemological implications of the dual reality: A) Two ways to reach one reality. B) Two dictions to narrate one reality. C) Duality of the reality in practice. D) Two levels of one single reality. By analyzing each of these implications of the dual reality, one can be led to some consequences according to which based on different works of Averroes he cannot be accused of believing in a kind of duality which makes him deserve heresy.

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Siger of Brabant, anti-theologian, 1990
By: Thomas P. Bukowski
Title Siger of Brabant, anti-theologian
Type Article
Language English
Date 1990
Journal Franciscan Studies
Volume 50
Pages 57-82
Categories Siger of Brabant, Latin Averroism, Averroism, Theology
Author(s) Thomas P. Bukowski

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5722","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5722,"authors_free":[{"id":6630,"entry_id":5722,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Thomas P. Bukowski","free_first_name":"Thomas P. ","free_last_name":"Bukowski","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Siger of Brabant, anti-theologian","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Siger of Brabant, anti-theologian"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"1990","language":"English","online_url":"https:\/\/www.jstor.org\/stable\/41975117","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":57,"category_name":"Siger of Brabant","link":"bib?categories[]=Siger of Brabant"},{"id":7,"category_name":"Latin Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Latin Averroism"},{"id":1,"category_name":"Averroism","link":"bib?categories[]=Averroism"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5722,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Franciscan Studies","volume":"50","issue":"","pages":"57-82"}},"sort":[1990]}

A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century, 2015
By: Ali Ghorbani, Fath ali Akbari
Title A Comparative study of the theory of dual reality from the perspective of Averroes, followers of Averroes and the church of the thirteenth century
Type Article
Language Persian
Date 2015
Journal Comparative Theology
Volume 5
Issue 12
Pages 69-84
Categories Epistemology, Averroism, Theology, Metaphysics
Author(s) Ali Ghorbani , Fath ali Akbari
In the thirteenth century, along with the return of the European thinkers and philosophers to Aristotelian philosophy and the emergence of the contradiction between Aristotle's philosophy and Christian teachings and religious beliefs, the church put forward a theory known as dual reality. According to this theory everything that is true in theology, its opposite can also be true in philosophy. With this theory, the church accused the philosophers of heresy, while the followers of Averroes considered themselves free of this charge. In his book Faṣl al-maqāl, Averroes appeared to be in favor of the above mentioned theory in a different form. By a precise analysis of the theory through reviewing the now available sources and considering the events followed by attributing this view to the philosophers, one can infer different implications from the theory from the perspective of each of the three sides involved (i.e. Averroes, followers of Averroes and church) and the following division can be sketched: 1- ontological implications: that is to believe in the existence of two types of realities in the universe which can be described in two ways: A) two contradictory scopes in the universe B) two distinct scopes in the universe. 2- Epistemological implications of the dual reality: A) Two ways to reach one reality. B) Two dictions to narrate one reality. C) Duality of the reality in practice. D) Two levels of one single reality. By analyzing each of these implications of the dual reality, one can be led to some consequences according to which based on different works of Averroes he cannot be accused of believing in a kind of duality which makes him deserve heresy.

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Dante et l’averroïsme, 2019
By: Alain de Libera (Ed.), Jean-Baptiste Brenet (Ed.), Irène Rosier-Catach (Ed.)
Title Dante et l’averroïsme
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2019
Publication Place Paris
Publisher Les Belles Lettres & Collège de France
Series Docet omina
Volume 5
Categories Averroism, Politics, Theology, Metaphysics
Author(s) Alain de Libera , Jean-Baptiste Brenet , Irène Rosier-Catach
Dante averroïste ? Le plus grand poète du Moyen Âge fut-il le disciple du plus grand philosophe arabe ? La Divine Comédie place Averroès, l’auteur du « Grand commentaire » d’Aristote, en Enfer, et en Paradis son disciple latin Siger de Brabant qui, dans l’actuelle « rue du Fouarre » à Paris, mettait en syllogismes « des vérités importunes ». Jugement de Salomon ? Ce volume collectif traite en détail l’un des chapitres les plus controversés de l’histoire comme de l’historiographie de la philosophie et de la théologie médiévales. Revisitant les textes philosophiques et poétiques de Dante, de la Vita nova au Convivio, au De vulgari eloquentia et à la Monarchia, examinant les productions et les thèses de ses contemporains, interlocuteurs, amis et adversaires, médecins, philosophes et poètes, rappelant et discutant les thèses de ses lecteurs anciens et modernes, les meilleurs spécialistes des domaines concernés, philosophes et italianistes, dressent le bilan de deux siècles d’études sur Dante, mais aussi sur Cavalcanti et sur l’averroïsme latin. Suivant trois grands axes, le langage et la pensée, les émotions, la politique, c’est au coeur de l’histoire et de la culture européennes, à Paris, à Florence, sur les routes de l’exil, que les contributions ici rassemblées plongeront lectrices et lecteurs amoureux de Dante, de l’Italie et de la littérature.

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Siger of Brabant, anti-theologian, 1990
By: Thomas P. Bukowski
Title Siger of Brabant, anti-theologian
Type Article
Language English
Date 1990
Journal Franciscan Studies
Volume 50
Pages 57-82
Categories Siger of Brabant, Latin Averroism, Averroism, Theology
Author(s) Thomas P. Bukowski

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