Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 2021
By: Pietro B. Rossi (Ed.), Matteo Di Giovanni (Ed.), Andrea A. Robiglio (Ed.)
Title Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2021
Publication Place Turnhout
Publisher Brepols
Series Studia artistarum
Volume 45
Categories Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Albert, Avicenna, Renaissance, Metaphysics, Logic
Author(s) Pietro B. Rossi , Matteo Di Giovanni , Andrea A. Robiglio
The greatest ancient interpreter of Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. 200 AD) exerted a profound and enduring influence upon philosophy from Boethius until the modern era. Alexander’s interpretations laid the foundation for multiple philosophical views which were promoted as quintessentially Aristotelian by both Islamic and Latin thinkers throughout the Middle Ages. In the Renaissance, the University of Padua, a leading center of philosophical education and thought, established a scholarly tradition named “Alexandrinism” after him.

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The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic: Perspectives in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought, 2020
By: Nadja Germann (Ed.), Steven Harvey (Ed.)
Title The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic: Perspectives in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2020
Publication Place Turnhout
Publisher Brepols
Series Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale
Volume 20
Categories Logic, Theology, Metaphysics, al-Fārābī, Aristotle, Avicenna, Maimonides
Author(s) Nadja Germann , Steven Harvey
The annual colloquium of the SIEPM in Freiburg, Germany, was groundbreaking in that it featured a more or less equal number of talks on all three medieval cultures that contributed to the formation of Western philosophical thought: the Islamic, Jewish, and Christian traditions. Indeed, the subject of the colloquium, ‘The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought’, lent itself to such a cross-cultural approach. In all these traditions, partially inspired by ancient Greek philosophy, partially by other sources, language and thought, semantics and logic occupied a central place. As a result, the chapters of the present volume effortlessly traverse philosophical, religious, cultural, and linguistic boundaries and thus in many respects open up new perspectives. It should not be surprising if readers delight in chapters of a philosophical tradition outside of their own as much as they do in those in their area of expertise. Among the topics discussed are the significance of language for logic; the origin of language: inspiration or convention; imposition or coinage; the existence of an original language; the correctness of language; divine discourse; animal language; the meaningfulness of animal sounds; music as communication; the scope of dialectical disputation; the relation between rhetoric and demonstration; the place of logic and rhetoric in theology; the limits of human knowledge; the meaning of categories; the problem of metaphysical entailment; the need to disentangle the metaphysical implications of language; the quantification of predicates; and the significance of linguistic custom for judging logical propositions.

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The Aristotelian Tradition: Aristotle’s Works on Logic and Metaphysics and Their Reception in the Middle Ages, 2017
By: Börje Bydén (Ed.), Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist (Ed.)
Title The Aristotelian Tradition: Aristotle’s Works on Logic and Metaphysics and Their Reception in the Middle Ages
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 2017
Publication Place Toronto, ON
Publisher Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Series Papers in Mediaeval Studies
Volume 28
Categories Aristotle, Tradition and Reception, Logic, Metaphysics, Commentary
Author(s) Börje Bydén , Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist
The twelve essays in this volume are the result of a research programme by a Danish-Swedish research network into The Aristotelian Tradition: The reception of Aristotle’s works on logic and metaphysics in the Middle Ages. This impressive and wide-ranging volume, which has its roots in the disciplines of both philology and philosophy, has at its core a focus on the different historical manifestations of Aristotelian thought on logical and metaphysical matters. The volume includes studies of texts by, among others, Apuleius, Boethius, Anonymus Aurelianensis III, Michael of Ephesus, Averroes, Nicholas of Paris, Robert Kilwardby, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, and Francisco Suárez, relating to themes and passages in Aristotle’s Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics, Sophistical Refutations and Metaphysics. The book concludes with a new edition, with English translation and commentary, of the first part of a fiercely anti-Aristotelian work, which has been described as the starting-point for Renaissance Platonism and Aristotelianism alike: George Gemistos Plethon’s On Aristotle’s Departures from Plato.

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Nature et sagesse. Les rapports entre physique et Métaphysique dans la tradition aristotélicienne. Recueil de textes en hommage à Pierre Pellegrin, 2014
By: Cristina Cerami (Ed.)
Title Nature et sagesse. Les rapports entre physique et Métaphysique dans la tradition aristotélicienne. Recueil de textes en hommage à Pierre Pellegrin
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2014
Publication Place Louvain-La-Neuve
Publisher Peeters
Series Aristote. Traductions et etudes
Categories Metaphysics, Physics, Aristotle
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
English summary: The relationship between physics and metaphysics is one of the core questions at the heart of Aristotelian philosophy. The collected studies in this volume explore the epistemological connections between these two sciences, and especially certain essential points raised in Greek and Arabic history concerning this debate. French description: La question de savoir quel type de rapport entretiennent la physique et la metaphysique est au coeur du systeme philosophique d'Aristote. Ce rapport, toutefois, n'est pas facile a saisir, non seulement parce qu'Aristote ne l'a jamais defini de facon claire, mais parce qu'il est delicat d'en comprendre la nature a la lumiere de la theorie de la science exposee dans les Seconds Analytiques. En effet, Aristote affirme d'une part que la metaphysique, concue comme science universelle, n'a pas de genre-sujet propre, et d'autre part que la physique, quoique seconde par rapport a la metaphysique, en assure le fondement. C'est de ce rapport ambivalent que decoule le plus grand nombre d'apories liees au statut epistemologique de chacune des deux sciences comme a la nature de leur rapport. Les contributions reunies dans ce recueil s'inscrivent dans ce contexte theorique complexe. Elles portent moins sur la difficulte de comprendre le critere ou les criteres d'organisation des traites qu'on appelle Metaphysique et Physique que sur celle de presenter et de justifier l'entrelacement epistemologique de ces deux sciences, concues comme deux disciplines unitaires mais plurielles. Sans pretendre reconstruire l'histoire de la question, l'un des enjeux de ce volume fut aussi de degager, passe le texte meme d'Aristote, certains points nodaux de l'histoire grecque et arabe du debat.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"2055","_score":null,"_source":{"id":2055,"authors_free":[{"id":2501,"entry_id":2055,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1285,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Cristina Cerami","free_first_name":"Cristina","free_last_name":"Cerami","norm_person":{"id":1285,"first_name":"Cristina","last_name":"Cerami","full_name":"Cristina Cerami","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/139713840","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/317111513","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Cristina Cerami"}}],"entry_title":"Nature et sagesse. Les rapports entre physique et M\u00e9taphysique dans la tradition aristot\u00e9licienne. Recueil de textes en hommage \u00e0 Pierre Pellegrin","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Nature et sagesse. Les rapports entre physique et M\u00e9taphysique dans la tradition aristot\u00e9licienne. Recueil de textes en hommage \u00e0 Pierre Pellegrin"},"abstract":"English summary: The relationship between physics and metaphysics is one of the core questions at the heart of Aristotelian philosophy. The collected studies in this volume explore the epistemological connections between these two sciences, and especially certain essential points raised in Greek and Arabic history concerning this debate. \r\n\r\nFrench description: La question de savoir quel type de rapport entretiennent la physique et la metaphysique est au coeur du systeme philosophique d'Aristote. Ce rapport, toutefois, n'est pas facile a saisir, non seulement parce qu'Aristote ne l'a jamais defini de facon claire, mais parce qu'il est delicat d'en comprendre la nature a la lumiere de la theorie de la science exposee dans les Seconds Analytiques. En effet, Aristote affirme d'une part que la metaphysique, concue comme science universelle, n'a pas de genre-sujet propre, et d'autre part que la physique, quoique seconde par rapport a la metaphysique, en assure le fondement. C'est de ce rapport ambivalent que decoule le plus grand nombre d'apories liees au statut epistemologique de chacune des deux sciences comme a la nature de leur rapport. Les contributions reunies dans ce recueil s'inscrivent dans ce contexte theorique complexe. Elles portent moins sur la difficulte de comprendre le critere ou les criteres d'organisation des traites qu'on appelle Metaphysique et Physique que sur celle de presenter et de justifier l'entrelacement epistemologique de ces deux sciences, concues comme deux disciplines unitaires mais plurielles. Sans pretendre reconstruire l'histoire de la question, l'un des enjeux de ce volume fut aussi de degager, passe le texte meme d'Aristote, certains points nodaux de l'histoire grecque et arabe du debat.","btype":4,"date":"2014","language":null,"online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"},{"id":37,"category_name":"Physics","link":"bib?categories[]=Physics"},{"id":21,"category_name":"Aristotle","link":"bib?categories[]=Aristotle"}],"authors":[{"id":1285,"full_name":"Cristina Cerami","role":2}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":{"id":2055,"pubplace":"Louvain-La-Neuve","publisher":"Peeters","series":"Aristote. Traductions et etudes","volume":"","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":[2014]}

Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 2021
By: Pietro B. Rossi (Ed.), Matteo Di Giovanni (Ed.), Andrea A. Robiglio (Ed.)
Title Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2021
Publication Place Turnhout
Publisher Brepols
Series Studia artistarum
Volume 45
Categories Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Albert, Avicenna, Renaissance, Metaphysics, Logic
Author(s) Pietro B. Rossi , Matteo Di Giovanni , Andrea A. Robiglio
The greatest ancient interpreter of Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. 200 AD) exerted a profound and enduring influence upon philosophy from Boethius until the modern era. Alexander’s interpretations laid the foundation for multiple philosophical views which were promoted as quintessentially Aristotelian by both Islamic and Latin thinkers throughout the Middle Ages. In the Renaissance, the University of Padua, a leading center of philosophical education and thought, established a scholarly tradition named “Alexandrinism” after him.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5029","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5029,"authors_free":[{"id":5771,"entry_id":5029,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1519,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Pietro B. Rossi","free_first_name":"Pietro B. ","free_last_name":"Rossi","norm_person":{"id":1519,"first_name":"Pietro B.","last_name":"Rossi","full_name":"Pietro B. Rossi","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/139220852","viaf_url":"http:\/\/\/viaf\/100189635","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Pietro B. Rossi"}},{"id":5772,"entry_id":5029,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":734,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Matteo Di Giovanni","free_first_name":"Matteo","free_last_name":"Di Giovanni","norm_person":{"id":734,"first_name":"Matteo","last_name":"Di Giovanni","full_name":"Matteo di Giovanni","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1130687570","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/9497149368819485980007","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Matteo di Giovanni"}},{"id":5773,"entry_id":5029,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":2,"role_name":"editor"},"free_name":"Andrea A. Robiglio","free_first_name":"Andrea A. ","free_last_name":"Robiglio","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance"},"abstract":"The greatest ancient interpreter of Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. 200 AD) exerted a profound and enduring influence upon philosophy from Boethius until the modern era. Alexander\u2019s interpretations laid the foundation for multiple philosophical views which were promoted as quintessentially Aristotelian by both Islamic and Latin thinkers throughout the Middle Ages. In the Renaissance, the University of Padua, a leading center of philosophical education and thought, established a scholarly tradition named \u201cAlexandrinism\u201d after him. ","btype":4,"date":"2021","language":null,"online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.1484\/M.SA-EB.5.119428","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":21,"category_name":"Aristotle","link":"bib?categories[]=Aristotle"},{"id":15,"category_name":"Alexander of Aphrodisias","link":"bib?categories[]=Alexander of Aphrodisias"},{"id":6,"category_name":"Albert","link":"bib?categories[]=Albert"},{"id":10,"category_name":"Avicenna","link":"bib?categories[]=Avicenna"},{"id":5,"category_name":"Renaissance","link":"bib?categories[]=Renaissance"},{"id":31,"category_name":"Metaphysics","link":"bib?categories[]=Metaphysics"},{"id":27,"category_name":"Logic","link":"bib?categories[]=Logic"}],"authors":[{"id":1519,"full_name":"Pietro B. Rossi","role":2},{"id":734,"full_name":"Matteo di Giovanni","role":2}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":{"id":5029,"pubplace":"Turnhout","publisher":"Brepols","series":"Studia artistarum","volume":"45","edition_no":"","valid_from":null,"valid_until":null},"booksection":null,"article":null},"sort":["Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance"]}

Nature et sagesse. Les rapports entre physique et Métaphysique dans la tradition aristotélicienne. Recueil de textes en hommage à Pierre Pellegrin, 2014
By: Cristina Cerami (Ed.)
Title Nature et sagesse. Les rapports entre physique et Métaphysique dans la tradition aristotélicienne. Recueil de textes en hommage à Pierre Pellegrin
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2014
Publication Place Louvain-La-Neuve
Publisher Peeters
Series Aristote. Traductions et etudes
Categories Metaphysics, Physics, Aristotle
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
English summary: The relationship between physics and metaphysics is one of the core questions at the heart of Aristotelian philosophy. The collected studies in this volume explore the epistemological connections between these two sciences, and especially certain essential points raised in Greek and Arabic history concerning this debate. French description: La question de savoir quel type de rapport entretiennent la physique et la metaphysique est au coeur du systeme philosophique d'Aristote. Ce rapport, toutefois, n'est pas facile a saisir, non seulement parce qu'Aristote ne l'a jamais defini de facon claire, mais parce qu'il est delicat d'en comprendre la nature a la lumiere de la theorie de la science exposee dans les Seconds Analytiques. En effet, Aristote affirme d'une part que la metaphysique, concue comme science universelle, n'a pas de genre-sujet propre, et d'autre part que la physique, quoique seconde par rapport a la metaphysique, en assure le fondement. C'est de ce rapport ambivalent que decoule le plus grand nombre d'apories liees au statut epistemologique de chacune des deux sciences comme a la nature de leur rapport. Les contributions reunies dans ce recueil s'inscrivent dans ce contexte theorique complexe. Elles portent moins sur la difficulte de comprendre le critere ou les criteres d'organisation des traites qu'on appelle Metaphysique et Physique que sur celle de presenter et de justifier l'entrelacement epistemologique de ces deux sciences, concues comme deux disciplines unitaires mais plurielles. Sans pretendre reconstruire l'histoire de la question, l'un des enjeux de ce volume fut aussi de degager, passe le texte meme d'Aristote, certains points nodaux de l'histoire grecque et arabe du debat.

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The Aristotelian Tradition: Aristotle’s Works on Logic and Metaphysics and Their Reception in the Middle Ages, 2017
By: Börje Bydén (Ed.), Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist (Ed.)
Title The Aristotelian Tradition: Aristotle’s Works on Logic and Metaphysics and Their Reception in the Middle Ages
Type Edited Book
Language English
Date 2017
Publication Place Toronto, ON
Publisher Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Series Papers in Mediaeval Studies
Volume 28
Categories Aristotle, Tradition and Reception, Logic, Metaphysics, Commentary
Author(s) Börje Bydén , Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist
The twelve essays in this volume are the result of a research programme by a Danish-Swedish research network into The Aristotelian Tradition: The reception of Aristotle’s works on logic and metaphysics in the Middle Ages. This impressive and wide-ranging volume, which has its roots in the disciplines of both philology and philosophy, has at its core a focus on the different historical manifestations of Aristotelian thought on logical and metaphysical matters. The volume includes studies of texts by, among others, Apuleius, Boethius, Anonymus Aurelianensis III, Michael of Ephesus, Averroes, Nicholas of Paris, Robert Kilwardby, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, and Francisco Suárez, relating to themes and passages in Aristotle’s Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics, Sophistical Refutations and Metaphysics. The book concludes with a new edition, with English translation and commentary, of the first part of a fiercely anti-Aristotelian work, which has been described as the starting-point for Renaissance Platonism and Aristotelianism alike: George Gemistos Plethon’s On Aristotle’s Departures from Plato.

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The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic: Perspectives in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought, 2020
By: Nadja Germann (Ed.), Steven Harvey (Ed.)
Title The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic: Perspectives in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought
Type Edited Book
Language undefined
Date 2020
Publication Place Turnhout
Publisher Brepols
Series Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale
Volume 20
Categories Logic, Theology, Metaphysics, al-Fārābī, Aristotle, Avicenna, Maimonides
Author(s) Nadja Germann , Steven Harvey
The annual colloquium of the SIEPM in Freiburg, Germany, was groundbreaking in that it featured a more or less equal number of talks on all three medieval cultures that contributed to the formation of Western philosophical thought: the Islamic, Jewish, and Christian traditions. Indeed, the subject of the colloquium, ‘The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought’, lent itself to such a cross-cultural approach. In all these traditions, partially inspired by ancient Greek philosophy, partially by other sources, language and thought, semantics and logic occupied a central place. As a result, the chapters of the present volume effortlessly traverse philosophical, religious, cultural, and linguistic boundaries and thus in many respects open up new perspectives. It should not be surprising if readers delight in chapters of a philosophical tradition outside of their own as much as they do in those in their area of expertise. Among the topics discussed are the significance of language for logic; the origin of language: inspiration or convention; imposition or coinage; the existence of an original language; the correctness of language; divine discourse; animal language; the meaningfulness of animal sounds; music as communication; the scope of dialectical disputation; the relation between rhetoric and demonstration; the place of logic and rhetoric in theology; the limits of human knowledge; the meaning of categories; the problem of metaphysical entailment; the need to disentangle the metaphysical implications of language; the quantification of predicates; and the significance of linguistic custom for judging logical propositions.

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