Averroes, Commentum super libro praedicamentorum, transl. William of Luna. section: 4
1 tio uniuscuiusque eorum declarans substantiam eius secundum quod VIEW AND COMPARE
2 significat illud nomen commune, diuersificatur a diffinitione alterius et VIEW AND COMPARE
3 <est> propria diffinitio, ut nomen animalis predicati de homine picto et VIEW AND COMPARE
4 homine rationali. Nam diffinitiones eorum sunt diuerse et non inueni- VIEW AND COMPARE
5 tur eis aliquid commune et associabile nisi nomen tantum quod est ani- VIEW AND COMPARE
7 [4] Ea autem quorum nomina sunt uniuoca, sunt quorum nomen est idem VIEW AND COMPARE
8 et commune, et diffinitio dans substantiam eorum secundum significatio- VIEW AND COMPARE
9 nem illius nominis est etiam eadem, ut animal predicatum de homine et VIEW AND COMPARE
10 de equo, quoniam nomen animalis est commune eis et significat eandem VIEW AND COMPARE
11 substantiam, id est corpus nutribile sensibile, quod est diffinitio anima- VIEW AND COMPARE

MC Categories (Lat.)

Averroes, Commentum super libro praedicamentorum, transl. William of Luna.

Averroes, Commentum super libro praedicamentorum, transl. William of Luna. Digital copy of Commentum medium super libro Praedicamentorum Aristotelis. Translatio Wilhelmo de Luna adscripta (Averrois Opera. Series B: Averroes Latinus 11), ed. R[oland] Hissette, Leuven: Peeters, 2010. Cologne: Digital Averroes Research Environment (DARE), 2011. URI: dare.uni-koeln.de/app/fulltexts/FT9 .

Prologus Page: 1
Pars 1 Page: 2
--Capitulum 1 Page: 3
--Capitulum 2 Page: 6
--Capitulum 3 Page: 9
--Capitulum 4 Page: 10
--Capitulum 5 Page: 11
Pars 2 Page: 14
-Diuisio 1 Page: 14
-Diuisio 1. Sermo in substantia Page: 18
--Differentia 1 Page: 18
--Differentia 2 Page: 19
--Differentia 3 Page: 20
--Differentia 4 Page: 23
--Differentia 5 Page: 24
--Differentia 6 Page: 26
--Differentia 7 Page: 26
--Differentia 8 Page: 29
--Differentia 9 Page: 29
--Differentia 10 Page: 31
--Differentia 11 Page: 33
--Differentia 12 Page: 34
--Differentia 13 Page: 35
--Differentia 14 Page: 36
-Diuisio 2 partis 2. Sermo in quantitate Page: 40
--Differentia 1 Page: 42
--Differentia 2 Page: 42
--Differentia 3 Page: 45
--Differentia 4 Page: 47
--Differentia 5 Page: 48
--Differentia 6 Page: 54
--Differentia 7 Page: 55
-Diuisio 3. Sermo in predicamento relationis Page: 56
--Differentia 1 Page: 60
--Differentia 2 Page: 61
--Differentia 3 Page: 62
--Differentia 4 Page: 62
--Differentia 5 Page: 67
--Differentia 6 Page: 69
--Differentia 7 Page: 72
--Differentia 8 Page: 75
-Diuisio 4. Sermo in qualitate Page: 77
--Differentia 1 Page: 79
--Differentia 2 Page: 79
--Differentia 3 Page: 81
--Differentia 4 Page: 83
--Differentia 5 Page: 88
--Differentia 6 Page: 89
--Differentia 7 Page: 91
--Differentia 8 Page: 93
--Differentia 9 Page: 94
--Differentia 10 Page: 96
--Differentia 11 Page: 96
-Diuisio 5. Sermo in agere et pati Page: 98
-Diuisio 6. Sermo in predicamento positionis Page: 99
Pars 3 Page: 100
-Diuisio 1. Sermo in oppositis Page: 100
--Differentia 1 Page: 101
--Differentia 2 Page: 102
--Differentia 3 Page: 103
--Differentia 4 Page: 104
--Differentia 5 Page: 106
--Differentia 6 Page: 107
--Differentia 7 Page: 108
--Differentia 8 Page: 112
--Differentia 9 Page: 113
--Differentia 10 Page: 116
--Differentia 11 Page: 117
-Diuisio 2. Sermo in priore Page: 118
-Diuisio 3. Sermo in simul Page: 119
-Diuisio 4. Sermo in motu Page: 122
-Diuisio 5. Sermo in habere Page: 125