United Kingdom, Cambridge, Peterhouse College Library, 126


Physical Description
  • Material: Parchment
  • Pages: 227 leaves
  • Leaves Format: not available
  • Dimensions: 340 x 210 mm

Detailed Description
  • Collation:
    A composite manuscript out of four physically distinct codicological sections, together by the beginning of the 15th century , probably from early on: Section A (ff. 1r- 146v ), section B (ff. 147r- 206v ), section C (ff. 207r- 219v ) and section D (ff. 220r- 227v ).
    An extra leaf has been pasted to the head of f. 93r and folded down, to take a long section of text and commentary from the beginning of the 14th century , omitted by the main scribe.
  • Decoration:
    According to Lacombe , we have no titles on top of the pages. Section A has red and blue flourished initials as well as red or blue initials flourished in the other colour and from quire eight the red flourished in violet. Section B has just red or blue initials flourished in the other colour. Section C has one red and blue flourished initial and otherwise the same as section B. Section D has red initials flourished in blue or violet and blue initials flourished in red. Sections B-D have red or blue paraphs. According to Lacombe , we have arabic chapter numbering in the margins.
  • Layout:
    Text is set in two columns. The written area is 240 x 140 mm in section A, 230 x 150 mm in section B, 230 x 135 mm in section C and 230 x 150 mm in section D.

    Section A has 51 lines to the page, section B 56 lines, section C 47 lines and section D about 55 lines.

    Section A and B have alternating blocks of text and commentary, the text in larger script on every second line.

    Ff. 146v and 219v are without script.
  • Hand Description:
    Text is written by multiple hands, according to Lacombe : four Anglican hands, written negligently in reddish ink.
    Section A is written in a low-grade gothic sine pedibus textura with the comment in a gothic rotunda bookhand. Section B and C are written in rough gothic sine pedibus textura with the commentary of section B in anglicana. Section D is written in low-grade gothic rotunda bookhand.
  • Binding Description:
    Medieval pastedowns. The binding is from the end of the 18th century.
  • Provenance:
    The cover has a College lease dated 1754 .
    The manuscript is in the catalogue of Peterhouse books, 24.12.1418 .
  • Origin Date: 14th century
  • Origin Place: England
  • George Lacombe , Aristoteles Latinus Vol. Pars Prior, Rome (1939) , p. 357
  • Rodney Malcolm Thomson , Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries Vol. Vol. 2: Cambridge, Turnhout (2013) , pp. 123 - 124
Anonymous Philosophiae Auctoritates 224r - 227v
  • Incipit:
    [Text:] Omnes homines naturaliter scire desiderant.
    [Commentary:] Sensus uisus multas nobis demonstrat differentias ...

  • Explicit:
    ... male autem termino alieno.

  • Note:
    The text ends abruptly. Lacombe gives the title as: "Notabilia Metaphysice, Physice, De Celo, De Generatione".

Averroes Long Commentary on De Caelo 1r - 146r
  • Incipit:
    [Text:] Maxima cognicio nature et sciencia ...
    [Commentary:] Quia iste liber primus in quo loquitur de rebus sensibilibus naturalibus ...

  • Explicit:
    ... in simplicibus et in compositis executi sumus in hoc perfecte. Et sic completa est intencio nostra in hoc tractatu et sic finitus est liber celi et mundi. Explicit commentum super librum Celi et Mundi. Alleluia.

  • Note:
    This is the translation of Michael Scot . An extra leaf has been pasted to the head of f. 93r and folded down, to take a long section of text and commentary from the beginning of the 14th century , omitted by the main scribe. According to Lacombe , this is just the first part of the text.

Averroes De Substantia Orbis 220r - 222v
  • Note:
    According to Lacombe , this is just the fourth part.

Averroes Middle Commentary on De Generatione et Corruptione 207r - 219r
  • Incipit:
    [Text:] De generacione ...
    [Commentary:] Intencio nostra quidem in hoc libro est quod oportet determinare causas generales omnium generatorum et corruptorum naturaliter ...

  • Explicit:
    ... quod differt postremum numero a precedentibus. Explicit commentum super librum de generatione.

  • Note:
    This is the translation of Michael Scot . According to Lacombe , this is just the third part.

Averroes Long Commentary on De Anima 147r - 206v
  • Incipit:
    [Text:] (III.51) Omnis igitur intensio [recte: intellectus, Thomson ] est rectus appetitus ...
    [Commentary:] Et omnis accio ex intencione est recta acciones autem que fiunt ex appetitu ...

  • Explicit:
    ... et precipue uisus et auditus et hoc est satis manifestum. Explicit commentum Aueroys super libro Aristotilis de anima amen. Explicit expliciat ludere scriptor eat. Et amen dico uobis.

  • Note:
    This is the translation of Michael Scot .

Averroes Commentary on the Parva Naturalia (Compendium libri de memoria et reminiscentia) 222v - 223v
  • Incipit:
    Iste tractatus incipit perscrutari de rememoracione et inquisicione per rememorationem ...

  • Explicit:
    ... habeat alteram istarum duarum uirtutum uel utramque. Explicit liber de rememoracione et inquisicione.

Averroes Commentary on the Parva Naturalia (Compendium libri de sompno et vigilia) 222v - 223v
  • Incipit:
    Dicendum est de sompno et uigilia primo utrum appropriantur anime ...

  • Explicit:
    ... et ideo comprehendit homo in sompno futura.

  • Note:
    This is just the beginning of the text.