Spain, Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, árab. 5000

Spain, Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, árab. 5000

Short commentaries ofAverroes

Physical Description
  • Material: Paper
  • Pages: 120 leaves
  • Leaves Format: not available
  • Dimensions: 230 x 140 mm

Detailed Description
  • Foliation:
    Western foliation in pencil on the bottom of the pages
  • Condition Description:
    Quite good condition
  • Decoration:
    On the first folios, the beginning of the paragraphs is written in red
  • Layout:
    Text is set in one column.

    31 lines to the page
  • Hand Description:
    One hand; small and fine maghribī script
    Written by a professional scribe who maybe was personally known to Averroes (this is indicated by the eulogy "raḥimahu Allāh" which is used in such cases, see text 1)
    Carefully written: with diacritical points, word endings often vocalized
    Sometimes we read "sh" instead of "s" ( e.g. أنكساغورش) - this may indicate an Andalusian origin of the manuscript but is not compelling; furthermore often "t" is preferred to "th", e.g. تامسطيوس
    The medieval character of the language becomes evident, e.g., by the missing of hamza: بيرا، ساير، كاين
    The following words are written in their full form: لاكن (لكن) ، إلاهي (إلهي) ، ماهية (مهية) ، تغايير (تغاير‪(‬ ; however, أن لا is written ألا ; sometimes هنا is given as ههنا
    A special feature of the scribe is that occasionally he changes the usual order of words, e.g.: أبدا عندنا instead of عندنا أبدا ; مثلا نروم instead of نروم مثلا : الاتفاق والبخت instead of البخت والاتفاق in the rest of the manuscript
    Finally, there are cases of orthographic assimilation, e.g.: يمكنّا ، اليّل
  • Binding Description:
    Torn, red-brownish leather binding with flap and ornamental embossment.
  • Acquisition:
    Puig suggests that the manuscript was purchased in Morocco
  • Origin Date: second half 13th century (?)
  • Origin Place: Andalusia (?)
  • Maurice Bouyges , Notes sur les philosophes arabes connus des Latins au Moyen Age: V. Inventaire des textes arabes d'Averroès, Beirut (1922) , pp. 3 - 54
  • Maurice Bouyges , Notes sur les philosophes arabes connus des Latins au Moyen Age: V. Inventaire des textes arabes d'Averroès, Beirut (1922) , pp. 3 - 54
Averroes Short Commentary on the Physics 2v - 26r
  • Incipit:
    Kitāb al-jawāmiʿ / Taʾlīf al-faqīh al-qāḍī Abī l-Walīd ibn Rushd raḥimahu Allāh

  • Note:
    The Incipit offers parallels to the Hebrew version (for details see Bouyges )

Averroes Short Commentary on De Caelo 26r - 41r
Averroes Short Commentary on De Generatione et Corruptione 41v - 47v
Averroes Short Commentary on the Meteorology 48r - 67v
  • Note:
    Without the geometrical figures of the text but with three empty pages between the end of text 4 and the beginning of text 5 (ff. 68r- 69r ).

  • Colophon:
    According to Averroes , he finished this part on March 30th, 1159 (Rabīʿ al-awwal 16th, 554 h.) [see also the two Ḥaidarābād al-Dakan manuscripts] وهنا إنتهى القول في تجريد الأقاويل البرهانية من الكتب الأربعة من كتب أرسطو بحسب ما اشرطنا ، والحمد لله على ذلك كثيرا وكان فرغنا بحمد الله من تلخيص هذا الكتب العارفة يوم السادس عشر من شهر ربيع الأول من سنة أربع وخمسين وجمس مائة للهجرة والحمد لله على ذلك.

Averroes Short Commentary on De Anima 69v - 86r
  • Note:
    Blank pages: ff. 86v- 87r

Averroes Short Commentary on the Metaphysics 87v - 119v