Germany, Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, lat. fol. 662


Physical Description
  • Material: Parchment
  • Pages: I + 97 leaves
  • Leaves Format: not available
  • Dimensions: 310 x 220 mm

Detailed Description
  • Collation:
    According to d'Alverny , this is a composite manuscript out of four codicological sections: section 1(ff. 1r- 3v , from the beginning of the 14th century ), section 2 (ff. 4r- 11v , one quaternion out of 8 ff., signed "XXIus" at the end, 13th century ), section 3 (ff. 12r- 59v , quaternions out of 8 ff. and dated to the end of the 13th century , if d'Alverny is not mistaken) and section 4 (ff. 60r- 97v , quaternions out of 8 ff., except 6 ff. in the last one, end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century ).
  • Decoration:
    According to d'Alverny , we have titles in alternating red and blue on top of the pages in section 2. According to d'Alverny , space for the initials is left empty in section 1 and 3, except for ff. 20r- 31r , where we have some, either entwined with red and elongated with blue lines or vice versa. She notes red initials in f. 54r . In section 2 we have initials in red and blue, the larger letters separately with entwined lines, the minor letters alternating in colour. In section 4, we have alternating red and blue initials ornated in the Anglican way up to f. 90v ; from then on spaces for the initials are left empty, again. According to d'Alverny , we have one larger initial in section 4, which is entwined with red and blue lines. According to d'Alverny , we have no rubrication in section 1 and 3, but in section 3 we still have paragraph signs in red. She adds, that in section 2 we have red paragraph signs, with some in either blue or black. For section 4 she notes red paragraph signs up to f. 90r .
  • Layout:
    Text is set in long lines, except ff. 1r - 9v, where we have two columns.

  • Hand Description:
    Section 1 is written by on scholar in current hand, according to d'Alverny .
    Text in ff. 4r- 59v (section 2 and 3) is written by one careful German or perhaps Belgian librarian. According to d'Alverny , section 2 is written by two librarians of Flemish origin and section 3 is written by multiple librarians, also of Flemish origin, if she is not mistaken.
    Section 4 up to f. 90v is written by two hands. According to d'Alverny , the whole of section 4 is written by two librarians, both of Flemish origin.
  • Provenance:
    D'Alverny gives 13th to beginning of the 14th century as time of origin.
    On the first flyleaf, we have: "Sir T. P. Middlehill 2268", who acquired some codices from the monastery of the Dunes. D'Alverny states, that the codex indeed was from this monastery.
    D'Alverny notes, that on f. 59r , we have an inscription from the 14th - 15th century : " Iohannis dicti de Selde".
    On f. 59v we have "Dunis. Petrus Brune". D'Alverny adds, that below this, we have many names in a fine current hand from the 14th - 15th century : " M. van de He ...; van de Sal . M. van den Ghenen ".
  • Origin Date: 14th century
  • Origin Place: not available
  • Marie-Thérèse d'Alverny , Avicenna Latinus: Codices, Louvain-la-Neuve, Leiden (1994) , pp. 285-289
  • George Lacombe , Aristoteles Latinus Vol. Pars Prior, Rome (1939) , p.623f.
  • Charles H. Lohr , "Aristotelica Berolinensia", in: Traditio 54 (1999) , pp. 379 - 380 [Article]
Aristotle Rhetorica 60r - 97v
  • Incipit:
    Rhetorica assecutiua dialectice est ...

  • Explicit:
    ... Quoniam autem probabilium orationum usus ad iudicium ... aut suadentes ...

  • Note:
    This is the translation of Guilelmus de Moerbeke . The end is missing.

Thomas Aquinas De mixtione elementorum 50v - 51v
  • Incipit:
    Solet esse dubium apud multos ...

  • Explicit:
    ... salvatur enim virtus eorum. [According to d'Alverny , with a fine red line in the margin:] Explicit quaestio [ D'Alverny : questio] fratris Thomae de Aquino [ D'Alverny : Thome de Aqino ].

  • Note:
    Lacombe gives the title "Questio fratris Tho. de Aquino " and adds "De Mixtione Elementorum" in brackets. D'Alverny gives the title as "De mixtione" and adds the title: "Questio fratris Thome de Aquino ".

Thomas Aquinas De motu cordis 44r - 45r
  • Incipit:
    Quia omne quod movetur [ D'Alverny : mouetur] ...

  • Explicit:
    ... hec de motu cordis dicta sufficiant.

  • Note:
    According to d'Alverny , the text has interlinear and marginal glosses. She has the author marked as uncertain. Furthermore, she states, that in the margin of f. 45r , from the same annotator as before (cf. the Physiognomonica of Ps.- Aristotle , item 13), we have: "Elegisse capud propriam sapientia sedem ...".

Thomas Aquinas De ente et essentia 14r - 19v
  • Incipit:
    Quia parvus [ D'Alverny : paruus] error ...

  • Explicit:
    ... conservatio [ D'Alverny : conseruatio] huius sermonis. Explicit liber De ente et essentia.

  • Note:
    D'Alverny marks the author as uncertain.

Qusta Ibn Luqa De differentia spiritus et animae 45v - 49r
  • Incipit:
    Interrogasti me de differentia spiritus et anime, honoret te Deus ...

  • Explicit:
    ... et cuius iam tempus elongatum est. Explicit liber de differentia spiritus et anime.

  • Note:
    This is the translation of Johannes Hispalensis . D'Alverny has the author marked as uncertain and states, that there are interlinear and marginal glosses.

Dominicus Gundissalinus De unitate et uno 12r - 12v
  • Incipit:
    Unitas est qua unaquaeque [ D'Alverny : unaqueque] res dicitur una.

  • Explicit:
    ... unitas ergo est qua unaqueque res dicitur una, etc.

  • Note:
    D'Alverny does not give an author and has the title marked as uncertain. According to her, the text has interlinear and marginal glosses.

Dominicus Gundissalinus De processione mundi 11r - 11v
  • Incipit:
    Invisibilia Dei per ea quae facta sunt a creatione mundi inuestigantia enim sunt creatoris ...

  • Explicit:
    ... que ex coitu materie et forme generatur.

  • Note:
    We have "Explicit liber" in a fine red line in the margins (f. 11v ). According to d'Alverny , authorship and title are not clear.

Avicenna De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum 12v - 14r
  • Incipit:
    Terra pura non fit lapis ...

  • Explicit:
    ... sed accidunt ei quaedam res extraneae. Explicit Mineralia Aristotelis (ff. 13v- 14r ).

  • Note:
    D'Alverny , Lohr and Lacombe give the title "De Mineralibus", d'Alverny marks the author as uncertain. According to her, the text has marginal and interlinear glosses.

Avicebron Fons vitae 10r - 11r
  • Incipit:
    Quoniam vita [ D'Alverny : vitam] in multis esse [ D'Alverny adds: differenter] distinguunt, ait Democritus calorem esse vitae [ D'Alverny : vite] principium ...

  • Explicit:
    ... generatio et corruptio in omnibus semper erit nec unquam deficiet excepta sui factoris auctoritate.

  • Note:
    Lacombe suggests, that the text may be wrongly attributed to Avencebrol . D'Alverny gives the title "Compendium siue commentum Aristotelis De anima libri primi" and does not attribute the text to Avencebrol . According to her, the title "Liber Fontis Vite Auicebron " appears in minium in the margin.

Averroes De Substantia Orbis 25r - 30v
  • Incipit:
    In hoc tractatu intendimus perscrutari de rebus ...

  • Explicit:
    ... quaestio [ D'Alverny : questio] est valde bona. Et in hoc terminatur Sententia libri De substantia orbis etc.

Al-Kindi De quinque essentiis 10r - 10r
  • Incipit:
    Sapiens Aristoteles ubi dialectica [ D'Alverny : dyalecticam] incepit. Philosophia est omnis rei scientia ...

  • Explicit:
    ... Tempus ergo est numerus numerans motum eius quod numeratur aliud est numeratum discretum, aliud numeratum continuum.

Aristotle De iuventute, De respiratione, De morte 53r - 59r
  • Incipit:
    [D]e iuuentute autem et senectute ... (f. 53r )
    [De respiratione] autem ... ((f. 54r )
    [Q]uoniam autem dictum est ... (f. 56r )

  • Explicit:
    ... quomodo autem et qualiter dicendum rationem (f. 54r ).
    ... et tantas difficultates. Explicit (f. 56r ).
    ... dictum est omnibus. Explicit liber Aristotelis de morte (f. 59r ).

  • Note:
    This is the new translation.

Aristotle De longitudine et brevitate vitae 51v - 53r
  • Incipit:
    [D]e eo quod est longe vite ...

  • Explicit:
    ... de animalibus methodus.

  • Note:
    This is the new translation. According to d'Alverny , the text has interlinear and marginal glosses.

Aristotle De bona fortuna 49r - 50v
  • Incipit:
    Habitum autem utique erit ... Quoniam autem non solum ...

  • Explicit:
    ... que ex hiis kalokagachyam vocamus. Amen.

  • Note:
    According to d'Alverny , the title is not clear. She does not give an author, either.

Aristotle Physiognomonica 38r - 43v
  • Incipit:
    Quoniam et anima [ D'Alverny : anime] sequuntur [ D'Alverny : secuntur] corpora et ipse secundum se ...

  • Explicit:
    ... superapparentia sit. [According to D'Alverny , with a fine red line in the margin:] Explicit Physiognomia [ D'Alverny : phisionomia] Aristotelis .

  • Note:
    This is the translation of Bartholomew of Messina . According to d'Alverny the text has interlinear and marginal glosses. Following the text, we have in a current hand according to d'Alverny : "Auris acuta breuis capud exiguum caro dura / Et grandes oculi calx altus caudaque grossa".

Aristotle De memoria et reminiscentia 36r - 38r
  • Incipit:
    [D]e memoria autem et memorari ...

  • Explicit:
    ... propter quam causam dictum est. Explicit. Amen.

  • Note:
    This is the new translation.

Aristotle De somno et vigilia 31r - 36r
  • Incipit:
    De sompno autem et vigilia ...

  • Explicit:
    ... de diuinatione dictum est. Explicit.

  • Note:
    This is the new translation.

Aristotle De causis proprietatum elementorum 20r - 25r
  • Incipit:
    Postquam praemissus [ D'Alverny : premissus] est sermo ...

  • Explicit:
    ... hoc est ergo cuius volumus declarationem. [Rubr.:] explicit liber de proprietatibus elementorum.

  • Note:
    D'Alverny and Lohr give the title "De proprietatibus elementorum", Lacombe just "De Proprietatibus". This is the translation of Gerardus Cremonensis .

Aristotle De causis 4r - 9v
  • Note:
    According to d'Alverny , the text has interlinear and marginal glosses.

Anonymous Quaestiones Libri posteriorum 1r - 3v
  • Incipit:
    Utrum logica [ Lacombe and d'Alverny have 'loyca'] sit scientia? Arguitur quod non ...

  • Explicit:
    ... [mut.] apparet ex dictis quia ...

  • Note:
    D'Alverny titles "Quaestiones Logicae" and states, that the text is corrupt.