Short Commentary on the Organon
Middle Commentary on the Isagoge
Middle Commentary on the Categories
Middle Commentary on De Interpretatione
Middle Commentary on the Prior Analytics
Middle Commentary on the Posterior Analytics
Middle Commentary on the Topics
Middle Commentary on the Sophistici Elenchi
Middle Commentary on the Rhethorics
Middle Commentary on the Poetics
Long Commentary on the Posterior Analytics
Discourse on Substantial and Accidental Universals
Treatise on the Copula and on Derived Nouns
Discourse on Compound and Simple Predicates
Discourse on the Definition and Critique of the Positions of Alexander and Alfarabi
Critique of Avicenna's Position on the Conversion of Premises
Critique of Themistius' Position on the Contingent Syllogisms in the First and Second Figure
Discourse on the Types of Conclusions in Compound Syllogisms and on the Signification of 'Predicated of Everything'
Treatise on the Dependency of the Types of Conclusions from the Types of Premises
On the Mixing of Contingent and Necessary Premises
Treatise on the Dependency of the Conclusions from Mixed Syllogisms
Treatise on Conditional Syllogisms
Philosophy of Nature
Short Commentary on the Physics
Middle Commentary on the Physics
Long Commentary on the Physics
Short Commentary on De Caelo
Short Commentary on De Generatione et Corruptione
Middle Commentary on De Generatione et Corruptione
Short Commentary on the Meteorology
Middle Commentary on the Meteorology
Discourse on a Question from De Caelo et Mundo
Discourse on the [...] of the Body which Moves in Circles
Treatise in Response to Avicenna's Division of Beings into the Merely Possible, the Possible in Itself but Necessary through Another, and the Necessary in Itself
Short Commentary on the Metaphysics
Middle Commentary on the Metaphysics
Long Commentary on the Metaphysics
Practical Philosophy
Middle Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics
Epitome of Plato's Republic
Epitome of the Almagest
Law and Theology
The Necessary on the Art of Grammar

تلخيص كتاب النفس

Middle Commentary on De Anima
Arabic France Paris Bibliothèque Nationale héb. 1009 102v-155r
  • Averroes: Four Commentaries
  • Dimensions: 255 x 185 mm

  • 1 Averroes - تلخيص كتاب الكون والفساد , 1r - 46r
  • 2 Averroes - تلخيص كتاب الآثار العلوية , 46v - 102r
  • 3 Averroes - تلخيص كتاب النفس , 102v - 155r
  • 4 Averroes - تلخيص كتاب الحس والمحسوس , 155v - 179v

Arabic Italy Modena Biblioteca estense universitaria 13 26r-62v
  • Two Middle Commentaries and one Short Commentary ofAverroes
  • Dimensions: 310 x 280 mm

  • 1 Averroes - تلخيص كتاب الكون والفساد , 1r - 23v
  • 2 Averroes - تلخيص كتاب النفس , 26r - 62v
  • 3 Averroes - تلخيص كتاب الحس والمحسوس , 63r - 80r