Middle Commentary on the Sophistici Elenchi
Discourse on Compound and Simple Predicates
Discourse on the Definition and Critique of the Positions of Alexander and Alfarabi
Critique of Avicenna's Position on the Conversion of Premises
Treatise on the Dependency of the Conclusions from Mixed Syllogisms
Treatise on the Signification of 'Predicated of Everything'
Philosophy of Nature
Long Commentary on De Caelo
Middle Commentary on De Generatione et Corruptione
Short Commentary on the Meteorology
Aristotle's Intention at the Beginning of Book Seven of the Physics
Treatise on Motion: Whether It Has a Beginning
Treatise on Eternal and Temporal Being
Treatise on Seeds and Sperm
Discourse on the Motion of the Celestial Body (2)
Treatise in Response to Avicenna's Division of Beings into the Merely Possible, the Possible in Itself but Necessary through Another, and the Necessary in Itself
Treatise on the Harmony Between the Belief of the Peripatetics and that of the Theologians among the Learned of Islam Regarding the Manner of the World's Existence with Respect to Eternity and Origination
Short Commentary on the Metaphysics
Long Commentary on the Metaphysics
Practical Philosophy
Commentary on Avicenna’s Cantica
Treatise on the Theriac
On Poisons
Law and Theology
Epistle Dedicatory
Book of the Exposition of the Methods of Proof Concerning the Beliefs of the Community

Quesitum quintum in tempore et eternitate

Treatise on Eternal and Temporal Being
Latin Vatican Vatican City Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Ott. lat. 2060 7v-8v
  • Quaesita naturalia Averroes interprete

  • 1 Averroes - Quesitum primum exponens primam demonstrationem septimi phisicorum , 1r - 2r
  • 2 Averroes - Quesitum sextum epilogans septimum et octavum librum phisicarum auscultationum , 8v - 21v
  • 3 Averroes - Quesitum quartum demonstrans quod motui non fuerit principium , 6r - 7v
  • 4 Averroes - Quesitum quintum in tempore et eternitate , 7v - 8v
  • 5 Averroes - Quesitum nonum de seminibus , 28r - 31r
  • 6 Averroes - Quesitum decimus est capitulum quod deficit antique translationi libelli de substantia orbis , 31r - 36r
  • 7 Averroes - Quesitum septimum demonstrans quod primus motor non sit virtus in corpore , 21v - 25v
  • 8 Averroes - Quesitum undecimus in quo Averroys reconciliat se cum Avicenna circa quesitum an detur aliquid possibile ex se necessarium ex alio , 36r - 39r
  • 9 Averroes - Quesitum secundum quod motus circularis sit perfectus , 2r - 3v
  • 10 Averroes - Quesitum octavum declarans quod non detur possibile ex se necessarium ex alio , 25v - 28r
  • 11 Averroes - Quesitum tertium sub compendio opiniones perypatheticorum et loquentium de inventione mundi , 3v - 6r
  • 12 Averroes - Liber modorum rationis de opinionibus legis , 40r - 108v