Decisive Treatise and Epistle Dedicatory, 2001
By: Averroes
Title Decisive Treatise and Epistle Dedicatory
Type Monograph
Language undefined
Date 2001
Publication Place Provo, Utah
Publisher Brigham Young University Press
Series Brigham Young University - Islamic Translation Series
Categories Law, Politics, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Averroes
Translator(s) Charles E. Butterworth
Averroës (Ibn Rushd, 1126-1198) emerged from an eminent family in Muslim Spain to become the first and last great Aristotelian of the classical Islamic world; his meticulous commentaries influenced Christian thinkers and earned him favorable mention (and a relatively pleasant fate) in Dante’s Divina Commedia. The Book of the Decisive Treatise was and remains one his most important works and one of history’s best defenses of the legitimate role of reason in a community of faith. The text presents itself as a plea before a tribunal in which the divinely revealed Law of Islam is the sole authority; Averroës, critical of the anti-philosophical tone of the Islamic establishment, argues that the Law not only permits but also mandates the study of philosophy and syllogistic or logical reasoning, defending earlier Muslim philosophers and dismissing criticisms of them as more harmful to the Islamic community than the philosophers’ own views had been. As he details the three fundamental methods the Law uses to aid people of varied capacities and temperaments, Averroës reveals a carefully formed and remarkably argued conception of the boundaries and uses of faith and reason.

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هل كتب ابن رشد شق بعنوانة “الضميمة“؟ ملا حظات نقدية حول غموض عمّر أكثر من قرن و نصف, 2021
By: Fouad Ben Ahmed
Title هل كتب ابن رشد شق بعنوانة “الضميمة“؟ ملا حظات نقدية حول غموض عمّر أكثر من قرن و نصف
Translation Hat Ibn Rusd ein Werk mit dem Titel "Damīna" geschrieben? Kritische Anmerkungen um ein Geheimnis, das mehr als ein und ein halbes Jahrhundert dauert
Type Article
Language Arabic
Date 2021
Journal Philosophy and Sciences in Islamic Contexts
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Transmission
Author(s) Fouad Ben Ahmed
In this study, I examine the “identities” that a short work by the Andalusian philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes, d. 595/1198), in which he deals with the question of “Does God know particulars?” has accumulated throughout its history. This work, which is usually published as an appendix to the Faṣl almaqāl (Decisive Treatises), is known in modern times under several names, including an Appendix on Divine Knowledge, or the Appendix or Dhayl to the Faṣl al-Maqal, or simply Ḍamīma or the Epistle Dedicatory entitled the Ḍamīma. This makes one wonder: did Ibn Rushd really write a work with this title? In order to answer this straightforward question and to identify the origin of the problem, I tried to return to the indexes, catalogs, historical and biographical works in which data of this work appeared, as well as to its unique manuscript (Escorial: 632). This survey helped us to clarify the forms of ambiguity that surrounded its title, since its first publication in the middle of the nineteenth century until today. My aim is to show that this work, unlike most of Ibn Rushd's works, is not supposed to have a specific title, as it was an answer to a question put to Ibn Rushd; which means that what has been mentioned in the index of Ibn Rushd's works (Escorial: 884) remains most relevant and closest to the identity of this short text.

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