United Kingdom, Oxford, Balliol College Library, 114

United Kingdom, Oxford, Balliol College Library, 114


Physical Description
  • Material: Parchment
  • Pages: 186 leaves
  • Leaves Format: not available
  • Dimensions: 360 x 245 mm

Detailed Description
  • Decoration:
    The headings on top of the pages are written in red and blue. Initials are beautifully ornamented in red, sometimes elongated to small siliques. Blue initials are flourished in red. >Each book of the Long Commentary on the Physics opens with a large initial and partial border in colours and gold, with foliage and human-headed birds. On f. 2r and f. 2v , the initials consist of large decorated garlands and animals of different colours, in Gallic style and with pikes surrounding the pages. According to Thomson , the initial on f. 2v encloses the author lecturing and in f. 2r we have Reynard with Chantecleer slung over his shoulder. Paragraph signs in red or blue, highlighting in yellow. Text is written in rufous ink.
  • Layout:
    Text is set in two columns.

    61 lines of comment to the page according to Thomson . Lacombe notes about 55 lines to the page.

    According to Thomson blocks of text and comment alternate and the text is written in larger script. Lacombe only notes for Averroes ' Long Commentary on Aristotle 's Physics, that Aristotle 's textus is given in bigger letters than Averroes ' commentary.
    The text in ff. 164r- 185v is written as sections of a single work, though distinguished by the running heads.
  • Hand Description:
    Text is written by one hand in a gently curved English style, according to Thomson a gothic rotunda bookhand of university type.
  • Provenance:
    F. 1v , written by a 14th century hand: "Commentum Phisicorum Aristotelis legatus domini de Wallo per magistrum Laurencium de Thornhill ".
    According to Thomson , the codex was made commercially at Oxford. We have pledge-notes, partly or wholly erased on ff. 1r , 1v (in pencil) and 186r (in pencil, three erased, the first of 1310 - 1320 ), as well as some notes on ff. 2r , 2v and 185v .
    At the top of f. 2r we have the Balliol inventory mark 12^us commentator from the end of the 14th century .
  • Origin Date: 14th century (ff.
  • Origin Place: England ?
  • George Lacombe , Aristoteles Latinus Vol. Pars Prior, Rome (1939) , p.402
  • Rodney Malcolm Thomson , Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries Vol. Vol. 1: Oxford, Turnhout (2011) , pp. 221 - 223
  • Roger Aubrey Baskerville Mynors , Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Balliol College Oxford, Oxford (1963) , pp.92f.
Averroes Long Commentary on the Physics 2r - 164r
  • Incipit:
    [Prologue:] Intencio mea in hoc sermone est glosare librum Aristotilis qui dicitur auditus naturalis ...
    [Text:] Quoniam disposicio sciencie ...
    [Commentary:] Incepit hunc librum a causa propter quam fuit consideracio huius sciencie ...

  • Explicit:
    [Commentary:] ... in secunda figura primum motorum non esse corpus nec uirtutem esse in corpore. Explicit commentum libri Phisicorum.

  • Note:
    Textus: Scotus -translation (according to Lacombe ). According to Thomson Oxford, Balliol College Library, 94 has the same version, but against many sections the scribe has written the first words according to the old translation. We have heavy marginal glossing in early anglicana hands.

Averroes De Substantia Orbis 164r - 167r
  • Incipit:
    In hoc tractatu intendimus perscrutari de rebus ex quibus componitur corpus celeste ...

  • Explicit:
    ... et scias quod haec questio est valde bona. Explicit tractatus de substantia orbis.

Averroes Commentary on the Parva Naturalia (Compendium libri de sensu et sensato) 167r - 169r
  • Incipit:
    Incipit commentum super librum de Sensu et Sensato. Virtutes quedam sensibiles sunt necessarie in esse ...

  • Explicit:
    ... de eo in secundo tractatu istius libri qui dicitur liber de Sensu et Sensato.

Anonymous De Appetitu 173r - 173r
  • Incipit:
    Continue alterantur...

  • Explicit:
    ... organum non habeant.

Averroes Middle Commentary on De Generatione et Corruptione 173r - 182v
  • Incipit:
    Intencio in hoc libro est quod oportet determinare causas naturales generatorum omnium et corruptorum naturaliter ...

  • Explicit:
    ... quod differt postremum numero a precedentibus.

Averroes Middle Commentary on the Meteorology 182v - 185v
  • Incipit:
    Incipit commentum super quartum Metheororum. Postquam uisum est quod principia elementorum que sunt secundum modum forme sunt iiii ...

  • Explicit:
    ... ut dicat qualitatem generacionis sue in eo quod est proprium. Explicit ...

  • Note:
    Text and comment are written continuously and without distinction.

Averroes Commentary on the Parva Naturalia (Compendium libri de memoria et reminiscentia) 167r - 169r
  • Incipit:
    Secundus incipit de rememoracione perscrutari et inquisicione per rememorationem ...

  • Explicit:
    ... in aspectu earum quapropter difficile amittit eas.

Averroes Commentary on the Parva Naturalia (Compendium libri de sompno et vigilia) 167r - 169r
  • Incipit:
    De sompno et uigilia dicendum quidem primo utrum approprientur anime aut corpori aut utrique ...

  • Explicit:
    ... et de causis accidentium suorum dictum est. Explicit tractatus de sompno et uigilia.

Averroes Commentary on the Parva Naturalia (Compendium libri de causis longitudinis et brevitatis vite) 167r - 169r
  • Incipit:
    Et in hoc tractatu perscrutatur de causis longitudinis et breuitatis uite ...

  • Explicit:
    ... de causa longitudinis et breuitatis uite secundum nostrum posse et intellectum.