La tradition hébraïque du Tahâfut al-Tahâfut d'Averroès. Status quaestionis et perspectives de recherche, 2023
By: Silvia Di Donato
Title La tradition hébraïque du Tahâfut al-Tahâfut d'Averroès. Status quaestionis et perspectives de recherche
Type Article
Language French
Date 2023
Categories Averroism, Tradition and Reception, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Silvia Di Donato

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The Importance of History and Perspective in Understanding Mediæval Philosophy: The Case of Maimonides’ Response to the Question of Eternity, 2023
By: S. M. Hadi Gerami
Title The Importance of History and Perspective in Understanding Mediæval Philosophy: The Case of Maimonides’ Response to the Question of Eternity
Type Article
Language English
Date 2023
Journal The Maghreb Review
Volume 40
Issue 3
Pages 289-307
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Maimonides, al-Ġazālī
Author(s) S. M. Hadi Gerami
The study aims to show how taking history and perspective into consideration could help in understanding mediæval philosophy. To that end, in spite of a philosophical assumption which usually considers that there is no connection between eternity and creation, the paper assumes that Maimonides planned to establish a distinct response which was neither creation nor eternity. Investigating Maimonides’ perspective will be approached in two ways. Firstly, through the distinction between Maimonides, on one hand and theologians and philosophers on the other will be discussed from an intellectual point of view. Al-Ghazālī will be compared to Maimonides to show that, despite initial impressions, they differ substantially from each other on this issue. It will also be shown how Maimonides differentiated his discourse from that of the Greek philosophers. It will firstly be shown here that Maimonides’ response to the question of eternity adopts a different position from that of the classical theologians and the ancient philosophers. Secondly, the historicity of Maimonides’ discourse, or whether anyone else shared Maimonides’ conciliatory approach, will be examined. It will be shown that Averroes has the highest affinity with Maimonides in this regard. This will result in recognition of the fact that Maimonides’ “conciliatory approach” was shared with some other mediæval philosophers such as Averroes. Ultimately, it will be explained how Maimonides’ complicated concept of eternity can be better understood and justified if one takes perspective and historical discourse into consideration, showing that he was someone who tried to incorporate “conciliatory discourse” into mediæval philosophy.

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Religious Assent and Philosophy in Averroes’ Fasl al-maqal, 2023
By: Arthur Klik
Title Religious Assent and Philosophy in Averroes’ Fasl al-maqal
Type Article
Language English
Date 2023
Journal DoisPontos
Volume 18
Issue 1-EV
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Law
Author(s) Arthur Klik
An original work of Averroes, the Fasl al-maqal is remarkable for its controversial character. Composed as a juridical statement, one of its main goals is to analyze the role of philosophy in the Islamic Law by investigating which attitude must be adopted by those aware of the works of the Greek antiquity. Facing a problematic scenario, in which the legitimacy of philosophy is challenged, the diagnosis and solution proposed by Averroes emphasizes a unique interpretation of the Law guided by Philosophy, devised as a required element to achieve community welfare. This article intends to analyze that interpretation, in which three points concerning the relationship between philosophy and revelation arise: (1) the assurance of the individual possibility of religious assent; (2) the maintenance of common welfare, associated to (3) the possibility of asserting the legitimacy of an interpreter who is able to assure the correct assent to common believers.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5802","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5802,"authors_free":[{"id":6723,"entry_id":5802,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Arthur Klik","free_first_name":"Arthur ","free_last_name":"Klik","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Religious Assent and Philosophy in Averroes\u2019 Fasl al-maqal","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Religious Assent and Philosophy in Averroes\u2019 Fasl al-maqal"},"abstract":"An original work of Averroes, the Fasl al-maqal is remarkable for its controversial character. Composed as a juridical statement, one of its main goals is to analyze the role of philosophy in the Islamic Law by investigating which attitude must be adopted by those aware of the works of the Greek antiquity. Facing a problematic scenario, in which the legitimacy of philosophy is challenged, the diagnosis and solution proposed by Averroes emphasizes a unique interpretation of the Law guided by Philosophy, devised as a required element to achieve community welfare. This article intends to analyze that interpretation, in which three points concerning the relationship between philosophy and revelation arise: (1) the assurance of the individual possibility of religious assent; (2) the maintenance of common welfare, associated to (3) the possibility of asserting the legitimacy of an interpreter who is able to assure the correct assent to common believers.","btype":3,"date":"2023","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"http:\/\/\/10.5380\/dp.v18i1-EV.90326","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"},{"id":26,"category_name":"Law","link":"bib?categories[]=Law"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5802,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"DoisPontos","volume":"18 ","issue":"1-EV ","pages":""}},"sort":[2023]}

Philosophy and Religion in the Political Thought of Alfarabi, 2023
By: Ishraq Ali
Title Philosophy and Religion in the Political Thought of Alfarabi
Type Article
Language English
Date 2023
Journal Religions
Volume 14
Issue 7
Pages 908-917
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology, al-Fārābī, Politics
Author(s) Ishraq Ali
Philosophy and religion were the two important sources of knowledge for medieval Arab Muslim polymaths. Owing to the difference between the nature of philosophy and religion, the interplay between philosophy and religion often takes the form of conflict in medieval Muslim thought as exemplified by the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rusd) polemic. Unlike the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rushd) polemic, the interplay between philosophy and religion in the political philosophy of Abu Nasr Alfarabi takes the form of harmonious co-existence. Although, for Alfarabi, religion is an inferior form of knowledge as compared to philosophy, the present article will show that philosophy and religion play equally significant roles in Alfarabi’s virtuous city and that in the absence of either philosophy or religion, the political system proposed by Alfarabi cannot exist.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5800","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5800,"authors_free":[{"id":6721,"entry_id":5800,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Ishraq Ali","free_first_name":"Ishraq ","free_last_name":"Ali","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Philosophy and Religion in the Political Thought of Alfarabi","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Philosophy and Religion in the Political Thought of Alfarabi"},"abstract":"Philosophy and religion were the two important sources of knowledge for medieval Arab\r\nMuslim polymaths. Owing to the difference between the nature of philosophy and religion, the interplay between philosophy and religion often takes the form of conflict in medieval Muslim thought as exemplified by the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rusd) polemic. Unlike the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rushd) polemic, the interplay between philosophy and religion in the political philosophy of Abu Nasr Alfarabi takes the form of harmonious co-existence. Although, for Alfarabi, religion is an inferior form of knowledge as compared to philosophy, the present article will show that philosophy and religion play equally significant roles in Alfarabi\u2019s virtuous city and that in the absence of either philosophy or religion, the political system proposed by Alfarabi cannot exist.","btype":3,"date":"2023","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":" https:\/\/\/10.3390\/rel14070908","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"},{"id":28,"category_name":"al-F\u0101r\u0101b\u012b","link":"bib?categories[]=al-F\u0101r\u0101b\u012b"},{"id":4,"category_name":"Politics","link":"bib?categories[]=Politics"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5800,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Religions","volume":"14","issue":"7","pages":"908-917"}},"sort":[2023]}

Investigating the Influence of Ibn Rushd from Ghazali on the Issue of Interpretation of Religious Texts, 2022
By: Abuzar Rajabi, Morsal Azizi
Title Investigating the Influence of Ibn Rushd from Ghazali on the Issue of Interpretation of Religious Texts
Type Article
Language Arabic
Date 2022
Journal Comparative Theology
Volume 13
Issue 27
Pages 1-16
Categories al-Ġazālī, Influence, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Abuzar Rajabi , Morsal Azizi
Islamic thinkers do not think alike about understanding similar verses and the issue of the appearance and interiority of verses, and sometimes there are fundamental differences between them. Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd are in favor of using the method of interpretation in understanding similar verses and considering the way of escaping from the challenge and conflict of appearance and the inner self using the approach of interpretation. Ibn Rushd was famous for opposing Al-Ghazali and writing the book Tahaft Al-Tahaft in his critique of Tahaft al-Ghazali philosophers. Despite the criticisms, he is influenced by Al-Ghazali in some cases, and especially in the matter of interpretation. Al-Ghazali has two approaches encountering the problem of interpretation in two intellectual periods, in both of which he has been able to provide a new model by presenting a special approach in interpretation so that others can take a step in this direction and achieve a methodical understanding of religious texts. He has benefited a lot from this research model in understanding Ibn Rushd's text. According to the research findings, Ibn Rushd was influenced by Ghazali both in the nature of interpretation and in the reasoning and necessity of accepting it, as well as in the means of approaching interpretation. In the present descriptive-analytical study, the influence of Ibn Rushd from Ghazali on the issue of interpretation has been investigated.Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd are both advocates of using the method of interpretation in understanding the text. Although Ghazali is one of the Ash'arite theologians, in the matter of interpretation in both intellectual periods, he distances himself from thinkers such as Abul Hassan Ash'ari, Baqalani, and Jovini and accepts the methodical interpretation in understanding many verses of the Holy Qur'an. Methodology and adherence to a disciplined mechanism in interpretation are the characteristics of using this method by Al-Ghazali.Ibn Al-Rushd, like Al-Ghazali, does not see a conflict between the outward and inward meaning of the verses of the Holy Qur'an. Interpretation is a method that philosophers have the right to use in understanding the Holy Qur'an. Although this method raised serious objections to Al-Ghazali, it is influenced by Al-Ghazali’s interpretation. Ibn Al-Rushd mentions Al-Ghazali in many cases and considers Ghazali's method in this regard to be correct. He speaks about the nature of interpretation, the necessity of paying attention to it, its types and varieties, the division of the audience of revelation, and the permission and impermissibility of interpretation like Al-Ghazali.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5766","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5766,"authors_free":[{"id":6678,"entry_id":5766,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Abuzar Rajabi","free_first_name":"Abuzar ","free_last_name":"Rajabi","norm_person":null},{"id":6679,"entry_id":5766,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Morsal Azizi","free_first_name":"Morsal ","free_last_name":"Azizi","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Investigating the Influence of Ibn Rushd from Ghazali on the Issue of Interpretation of Religious Texts","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Investigating the Influence of Ibn Rushd from Ghazali on the Issue of Interpretation of Religious Texts"},"abstract":"Islamic thinkers do not think alike about understanding similar verses and the issue of the appearance and interiority of verses, and sometimes there are fundamental differences between them. Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd are in favor of using the method of interpretation in understanding similar verses and considering the way of escaping from the challenge and conflict of appearance and the inner self using the approach of interpretation. Ibn Rushd was famous for opposing Al-Ghazali and writing the book Tahaft Al-Tahaft in his critique of Tahaft al-Ghazali philosophers. Despite the criticisms, he is influenced by Al-Ghazali in some cases, and especially in the matter of interpretation. Al-Ghazali has two approaches encountering the problem of interpretation in two intellectual periods, in both of which he has been able to provide a new model by presenting a special approach in interpretation so that others can take a step in this direction and achieve a methodical understanding of religious texts. He has benefited a lot from this research model in understanding Ibn Rushd's text. According to the research findings, Ibn Rushd was influenced by Ghazali both in the nature of interpretation and in the reasoning and necessity of accepting it, as well as in the means of approaching interpretation. In the present descriptive-analytical study, the influence of Ibn Rushd from Ghazali on the issue of interpretation has been investigated.Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd are both advocates of using the method of interpretation in understanding the text. Although Ghazali is one of the Ash'arite theologians, in the matter of interpretation in both intellectual periods, he distances himself from thinkers such as Abul Hassan Ash'ari, Baqalani, and Jovini and accepts the methodical interpretation in understanding many verses of the Holy Qur'an. Methodology and adherence to a disciplined mechanism in interpretation are the characteristics of using this method by Al-Ghazali.Ibn Al-Rushd, like Al-Ghazali, does not see a conflict between the outward and inward meaning of the verses of the Holy Qur'an. Interpretation is a method that philosophers have the right to use in understanding the Holy Qur'an. Although this method raised serious objections to Al-Ghazali, it is influenced by Al-Ghazali\u2019s interpretation. Ibn Al-Rushd mentions Al-Ghazali in many cases and considers Ghazali's method in this regard to be correct. He speaks about the nature of interpretation, the necessity of paying attention to it, its types and varieties, the division of the audience of revelation, and the permission and impermissibility of interpretation like Al-Ghazali.","btype":3,"date":"2022","language":"Arabic","online_url":"","doi_url":"10.22108\/coth.2022.131221.1658","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":14,"category_name":"al-\u0120az\u0101l\u012b","link":"bib?categories[]=al-\u0120az\u0101l\u012b"},{"id":24,"category_name":"Influence","link":"bib?categories[]=Influence"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5766,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Comparative Theology","volume":"13","issue":"27","pages":"1-16"}},"sort":[2022]}

Keunggulan Metode Demonstratif Terhadap Metode Retorika Dan Dialektika: Menguak Metode Kritik Filsafat Ibn Rusyd, 2022
By: Raha Bistara
Title Keunggulan Metode Demonstratif Terhadap Metode Retorika Dan Dialektika: Menguak Metode Kritik Filsafat Ibn Rusyd
Type Article
Language Indonesian
Date 2022
Journal Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Volume 16
Issue 2
Pages 71-92
Categories Logic, Method, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Raha Bistara
This article shows how the demonstrative method (burhani) is more superior to rhetoric (khatabbi) and dialectic method (jaddali), the use of the demonstrative method is based on the utilization of the mind. Ibn Rusyd stated that the demonstrative method is considered the right method for seeking the answers above the questions on the subject of religion and philosophy. However, it is not amazed Ibn Rusyd used a demonstrative method to criticize the Mutakallimun Ash’ariyah and his followers especially Imam Al-Ghazali. Ibn Rusyd also criticized Ibn sina and Zahiriyah group with the method they used. There was confusion for the answer to who they presented regarding religious and philosophical problems. While there were many problems with their views especially in their books. This article used the library research method which uses literature either in the form of books, or notes from previous research reports. While the sources of this research there are two sources as primary source and secondary sources. This result of this research revealed that Ibn Rushd’s philosophy critical method from authentic sources related to the problem. Although, by the use of various sources used, it is hoped there will be a new finding related to demonstrative method initiated by Ibn Rushd in refuting the arguments of rhetorical and dialectical groups which are not deep, explicit, and simple. As well as providing the new formulas that are fresher and more varied concerning the answer about the problems of religion and philosophy.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5769","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5769,"authors_free":[{"id":6682,"entry_id":5769,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Raha Bistara","free_first_name":"Raha ","free_last_name":"Bistara","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Keunggulan Metode Demonstratif Terhadap Metode Retorika Dan Dialektika: Menguak Metode Kritik Filsafat Ibn Rusyd","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Keunggulan Metode Demonstratif Terhadap Metode Retorika Dan Dialektika: Menguak Metode Kritik Filsafat Ibn Rusyd"},"abstract":"This article shows how the demonstrative method (burhani) is more superior to rhetoric (khatabbi) and dialectic method (jaddali), the use of the demonstrative method is based on the utilization of the mind. Ibn Rusyd stated that the demonstrative method is considered the right method for seeking the answers above the questions on the subject of religion and philosophy. However, it is not amazed Ibn Rusyd used a demonstrative method to criticize the Mutakallimun Ash\u2019ariyah and his followers especially Imam Al-Ghazali. Ibn Rusyd also criticized Ibn sina and Zahiriyah group with the method they used. There was confusion for the answer to who they presented regarding religious and philosophical problems. While there were many problems with their views especially in their books. This article used the library research method which uses literature either in the form of books, or notes from previous research reports. While the sources of this research there are two sources as primary source and secondary sources. This result of this research revealed that Ibn Rushd\u2019s philosophy critical method from authentic sources related to the problem. Although, by the use of various sources used, it is hoped there will be a new finding related to demonstrative method initiated by Ibn Rushd in refuting the arguments of rhetorical and dialectical groups which are not deep, explicit, and simple. As well as providing the new formulas that are fresher and more varied concerning the answer about the problems of religion and philosophy. ","btype":3,"date":"2022","language":"Indonesian","online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":27,"category_name":"Logic","link":"bib?categories[]=Logic"},{"id":72,"category_name":"Method","link":"bib?categories[]=Method"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5769,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama","volume":"16","issue":"2","pages":"71-92"}},"sort":[2022]}

هل كتب ابن رشد شق بعنوانة “الضميمة“؟ ملا حظات نقدية حول غموض عمّر أكثر من قرن و نصف, 2021
By: Fouad Ben Ahmed
Title هل كتب ابن رشد شق بعنوانة “الضميمة“؟ ملا حظات نقدية حول غموض عمّر أكثر من قرن و نصف
Translation Hat Ibn Rusd ein Werk mit dem Titel "Damīna" geschrieben? Kritische Anmerkungen um ein Geheimnis, das mehr als ein und ein halbes Jahrhundert dauert
Type Article
Language Arabic
Date 2021
Journal Philosophy and Sciences in Islamic Contexts
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Transmission
Author(s) Fouad Ben Ahmed
In this study, I examine the “identities” that a short work by the Andalusian philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes, d. 595/1198), in which he deals with the question of “Does God know particulars?” has accumulated throughout its history. This work, which is usually published as an appendix to the Faṣl almaqāl (Decisive Treatises), is known in modern times under several names, including an Appendix on Divine Knowledge, or the Appendix or Dhayl to the Faṣl al-Maqal, or simply Ḍamīma or the Epistle Dedicatory entitled the Ḍamīma. This makes one wonder: did Ibn Rushd really write a work with this title? In order to answer this straightforward question and to identify the origin of the problem, I tried to return to the indexes, catalogs, historical and biographical works in which data of this work appeared, as well as to its unique manuscript (Escorial: 632). This survey helped us to clarify the forms of ambiguity that surrounded its title, since its first publication in the middle of the nineteenth century until today. My aim is to show that this work, unlike most of Ibn Rushd's works, is not supposed to have a specific title, as it was an answer to a question put to Ibn Rushd; which means that what has been mentioned in the index of Ibn Rushd's works (Escorial: 884) remains most relevant and closest to the identity of this short text.

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Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averróis, 2021
By: Arthur Klik
Title Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averróis
Translation Religious assent and Philosophy in Averroes’ Fasl al-maqal
Type Article
Language Portuguese
Date 2021
Journal DoisPontos
Volume 18
Issue 1
Pages 113-132
Categories Law, Theology, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Arthur Klik
O Fasl al-maqal, umas das obras originais de Averróis, se destaca por seu caráter polêmico. Sendo redigida como um pronunciamento jurídico, tem como um de seus objetivos principais analisar o estatuto da filosofia em face da Lei islâmica, ao verificar qual é a atitude que deve ser adotada por todo aquele que travar contato com as obras da antiguidade grega. Em um cenário em que a legitimidade da filosofia se coloca em questão, o diagnóstico e a solução propostos por Averróis se destacam ao apresentar uma interpretação singular da Lei ante a filosofia, concebendo a segunda como um elemento necessário para a saúde da comunidade. Este artigo pretende analisar essa interpretação, na qual três pontos se colocam na consideração da relação entre filosofia e revelação: o (1) asseguramento da possibilidade do assentimento religioso individual e (2) da manutenção do bem-estar geral junto à (3) possibilidade de se afirmar a legitimidade de um intérprete que garanta o assentimento correto aos crentes não filósofos An original work of Averroes, the Fasl al-maqal is remarked by its controversial character. Composed as a juridical statement, one of its main goals is to analyze the role of philosophy in Islamic Law determining which attitude must be adopted by those aware of the works of Greek antiquity. Facing a problematic scenario in which the legitimacy of philosophy is putted in question, the diagnosis and solution proposed by Averroes emphasizes a unique interpretation of the Law guided by Philosophy devised as a required element to achieve community welfare. This article intends to analyze that interpretation in which three points arise about the relationship between philosophy and revelation: (1) the insurance of the individual possibility of religious assent; (2) the endurance of common welfare, both associated to (3) the possibility of assert the legitimacy of an interpreter able to assure the correct assent to common believers

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5560","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5560,"authors_free":[{"id":6454,"entry_id":5560,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Arthur Klik","free_first_name":"Arthur ","free_last_name":"Klik","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averr\u00f3is","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"Religious assent and Philosophy in Averroes\u2019 Fasl al-maqal","main_title":{"title":"Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averr\u00f3is"},"abstract":"O Fasl al-maqal, umas das obras originais de Averr\u00f3is, se destaca por seu car\u00e1ter pol\u00eamico. Sendo redigida como um pronunciamento jur\u00eddico, tem como um de seus objetivos principais analisar o estatuto da filosofia em face da Lei isl\u00e2mica, ao verificar qual \u00e9 a atitude que deve ser adotada por todo aquele que travar contato com as obras da antiguidade grega. Em um cen\u00e1rio em que a legitimidade da filosofia se coloca em quest\u00e3o, o diagn\u00f3stico e a solu\u00e7\u00e3o propostos por Averr\u00f3is se destacam ao apresentar uma interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o singular da Lei ante a filosofia, concebendo a segunda como um elemento necess\u00e1rio para a sa\u00fade da comunidade. Este artigo pretende analisar essa interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o, na qual tr\u00eas pontos se colocam na considera\u00e7\u00e3o da rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre filosofia e revela\u00e7\u00e3o: o (1) \r\nasseguramento da possibilidade do assentimento religioso individual e (2) da manuten\u00e7\u00e3o do bem-estar geral junto \u00e0 (3) possibilidade de se afirmar a legitimidade de um int\u00e9rprete que garanta o assentimento correto aos crentes n\u00e3o fil\u00f3sofos \r\n\r\nAn original work of Averroes, the Fasl al-maqal is remarked by its controversial character. Composed as a juridical statement, one of its main goals is to analyze the role of philosophy in Islamic Law determining which attitude must be adopted by those aware of the works of Greek antiquity. Facing a problematic scenario in which the legitimacy of philosophy is putted in question, the diagnosis and solution proposed by Averroes emphasizes a unique interpretation of the Law guided by Philosophy devised as a required element to achieve community welfare. This article intends to analyze that interpretation in which three points arise about the relationship between philosophy and revelation: (1) the insurance of the individual possibility of religious assent; (2) the endurance of \r\ncommon welfare, both associated to (3) the possibility of assert the legitimacy of an interpreter able to assure the correct assent to common believers","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"Portuguese","online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":26,"category_name":"Law","link":"bib?categories[]=Law"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5560,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"DoisPontos","volume":"18","issue":"1","pages":"113-132"}},"sort":[2021]}

Averroës' Takfir of al-Ghazālī: Ta'wīl and Causal Kufr, 2021
By: Saja Parvizian
Title Averroës' Takfir of al-Ghazālī: Ta'wīl and Causal Kufr
Type Article
Language English
Date 2021
Journal American journal of Islam and society
Volume 38
Issue 1/2
Pages 60-92
Categories al-Ġazālī, Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Theology
Author(s) Saja Parvizian
Al-Ghazālı̄ famously claims in the Incoherence of the Philosophers that al-Fārābī and Avicenna are unbelievers because they hold philosophical positions that conflict with Islam. What is less well-known, however, is that Averroës claims in the Decisive Treatise that al-Fārābī and Avicenna are not unbelievers; rather, al-Ghazālı̄ is the true unbeliever for writing the Incoherence of the Philosophers. In this paper, my aim is to present a sustained reconstruction of Averroës’ legal and philosophical argument for why al-Ghazālı̄ is an unbeliever. The crux of Averroës’ argument is that al-Ghazālı̄ has expressed false allegorical interpretations of scripture to unqualified persons, which has caused them to fall into unbelief. By being causally responsible for other people’s unbelief, al-Ghazālı̄ is an unbeliever as well.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5566","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5566,"authors_free":[{"id":6460,"entry_id":5566,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Saja Parvizian","free_first_name":"Saja ","free_last_name":"Parvizian","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}}],"entry_title":"Averro\u00ebs' Takfir of al-Ghaz\u0101l\u012b: Ta'w\u012bl and Causal Kufr","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Averro\u00ebs' Takfir of al-Ghaz\u0101l\u012b: Ta'w\u012bl and Causal Kufr"},"abstract":"Al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 famously claims in the Incoherence of the Philosophers that al-Fa\u0304ra\u0304bi\u0304 and Avicenna are unbelievers because they hold philosophical positions that conflict with Islam. What is less well-known, however, is that Averroe\u0308s claims in the Decisive Treatise that al-Fa\u0304ra\u0304bi\u0304 and Avicenna are not unbelievers; rather, al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 is the true unbeliever for writing the Incoherence of the Philosophers. In this paper, my aim is to present a sustained reconstruction of Averroe\u0308s\u2019 legal and philosophical argument for why al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 is an unbeliever. The crux of Averroe\u0308s\u2019 argument is that al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 has expressed false allegorical interpretations of scripture to unqualified persons, which has caused them to fall into unbelief. By being causally responsible for other people\u2019s unbelief, al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 is an unbeliever as well.","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.35632\/ajis.v38i1-2.735","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":14,"category_name":"al-\u0120az\u0101l\u012b","link":"bib?categories[]=al-\u0120az\u0101l\u012b"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"}],"authors":[{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5566,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"American journal of Islam and society","volume":"38","issue":"1\/2","pages":"60-92"}},"sort":[2021]}

La vérité dans l'épistémè islamique post-averroecien. La théorie de la vérité chez Averroès pourra-t-elle contribuer au dialogue interculturel contemporain?, 2021
By: Mounia Aît Kabboura
Title La vérité dans l'épistémè islamique post-averroecien. La théorie de la vérité chez Averroès pourra-t-elle contribuer au dialogue interculturel contemporain?
Type Article
Language English
Date 2021
Journal Science et Esprit, Revue de philosophie et de théologie
Volume 73
Issue 1-2
Pages 177-196
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Epistemology
Author(s) Mounia Aît Kabboura
Averroes (Ibn Rushd 1126-1198), philosopher and magistrate, came into conflict with the 'Maliki' jurists and the 'Ash'rite Salafist' theologians of his time who held to the traditionalist and literalist thought according to which the truth is explicit in the revealed text so that it does not require interpretation. Averroes developed a new conception of truth whose goal was to reconcile two different orders of truth. These are variously described as revelation and reason, or faith and the faculty of human judgment, or the truth through others rather than the truth through oneself. By deepening the rationalism of Aristotle, he brought to light the new intellectual conditions that Maimonides, among the Jews, and Thomas Aquinas, among the Catholics, took advantage of to develop new theological systems. All medieval thought was marked by the following duality: revelation versus rationality (hermeneutical and philosophical), or in other words by a desire to harmonise the given revealed according to the necessary constraints of reason. Can the theory of truth in Averroes contribute to better, flexible, and peaceful integration of Muslims in plural societies? This text proposes to examine theory of truth of Averroes presented in 'Fasl al-Maqâl' ('The Decisive Treaty') and 'Tahâfut al tahafut' ('The Incoherence of Inconsistency'), and then to examine the conditions of the abandonment of this theory in the post-Averroes Islamic episteme that retained only the truth of revelation. Finally, this text will show that Averroes's conception of truth is fundamentally a philosophy of recognition driven by three universal principles: (1) understanding the others in their own system of reference, (2) understanding freedom as a responsibility in the search for truth, (3) recognising the right to be different through respect for others. (edited)

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5570","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5570,"authors_free":[{"id":6464,"entry_id":5570,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Mounia A\u00eet Kabboura","free_first_name":"Mounia A\u00eet","free_last_name":"Kabboura","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}}],"entry_title":"La v\u00e9rit\u00e9 dans l'\u00e9pist\u00e9m\u00e8 islamique post-averroecien. La th\u00e9orie de la v\u00e9rit\u00e9 chez Averro\u00e8s pourra-t-elle contribuer au dialogue interculturel contemporain?","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"La v\u00e9rit\u00e9 dans l'\u00e9pist\u00e9m\u00e8 islamique post-averroecien. La th\u00e9orie de la v\u00e9rit\u00e9 chez Averro\u00e8s pourra-t-elle contribuer au dialogue interculturel contemporain?"},"abstract":"Averroes (Ibn Rushd 1126-1198), philosopher and magistrate, came into conflict with the 'Maliki' jurists and the 'Ash'rite Salafist' theologians of his time who held to the traditionalist and literalist thought according to which the truth is explicit in the revealed text so that it does not require interpretation. Averroes developed a new conception of truth whose goal was to reconcile two different orders of truth. These are variously described as revelation and reason, or faith and the faculty of human judgment, or the truth through others rather than the truth through oneself. By deepening the rationalism of Aristotle, he brought to light the new intellectual conditions that Maimonides, among the Jews, and Thomas Aquinas, among the Catholics, took advantage of to develop new theological systems. All medieval thought was marked by the following duality: revelation versus rationality (hermeneutical and philosophical), or in other words by a desire to harmonise the given revealed according to the necessary constraints of reason. Can the theory of truth in Averroes contribute to better, flexible, and peaceful integration of Muslims in plural societies? This text proposes to examine theory of truth of Averroes presented in 'Fasl al-Maq\u00e2l' ('The Decisive Treaty') and 'Tah\u00e2fut al tahafut' ('The Incoherence of Inconsistency'), and then to examine the conditions of the abandonment of this theory in the post-Averroes Islamic episteme that retained only the truth of revelation. Finally, this text will show that Averroes's conception of truth is fundamentally a philosophy of recognition driven by three universal principles: (1) understanding the others in their own system of reference, (2) understanding freedom as a responsibility in the search for truth, (3) recognising the right to be different through respect for others. (edited)","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"},{"id":73,"category_name":"Epistemology","link":"bib?categories[]=Epistemology"}],"authors":[{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5570,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Science et Esprit, Revue de philosophie et de th\u00e9ologie","volume":"73","issue":" 1-2","pages":"177-196"}},"sort":[2021]}

A Muslim Perspective on Philosophy and Religion: The ‘Decisive Treatise’ of Averroes, 2007
By: Thérèse Bonin
Title A Muslim Perspective on Philosophy and Religion: The ‘Decisive Treatise’ of Averroes
Type Article
Language English
Date 2007
Journal Peripatetikos
Volume 6
Pages 1-25
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Law, Theology
Author(s) Thérèse Bonin

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5337","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5337,"authors_free":[{"id":6183,"entry_id":5337,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":1785,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Th\u00e9r\u00e8se Bonin","free_first_name":"Th\u00e9r\u00e8se ","free_last_name":"Bonin","norm_person":{"id":1785,"first_name":"Th\u00e9r\u00e8se","last_name":"Bonin","full_name":"Th\u00e9r\u00e8se Bonin","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"https:\/\/\/gnd\/1197840044","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null,"link":"bib?authors[]=Th\u00e9r\u00e8se Bonin"}}],"entry_title":"A Muslim Perspective on Philosophy and Religion: The \u2018Decisive Treatise\u2019 of Averroes","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"A Muslim Perspective on Philosophy and Religion: The \u2018Decisive Treatise\u2019 of Averroes"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"2007","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"},{"id":26,"category_name":"Law","link":"bib?categories[]=Law"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"}],"authors":[{"id":1785,"full_name":"Th\u00e9r\u00e8se Bonin","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5337,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Peripatetikos","volume":"6 ","issue":"","pages":"1-25"}},"sort":["A Muslim Perspective on Philosophy and Religion: The \u2018Decisive Treatise\u2019 of Averroes"]}

Akılsal Zorunluluk ve Dinî Meşruiyet Bağlamında İbn Rüşd’ün Felsefe Savunusu, 2021
By: Rafiz Manafov, Adem Akman
Title Akılsal Zorunluluk ve Dinî Meşruiyet Bağlamında İbn Rüşd’ün Felsefe Savunusu
Translation The Defense of Philosophy According to Averroes in the Context of Rational Necessity and Religious Legitimacy
Type Article
Language Turkish
Date 2021
Journal Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Volume 9 (İDEKTA)
Pages 131-139
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Rafiz Manafov , Adem Akman
İbn Rüşd İslam düşüncesinin akli temellerinin ve felsefi düşüncenin gerilemeye yüz tuttuğu bir dönemin filozofudur. O, felsefi açıdan dinin konumunu gerekli gördüğü kadar, din açısından da felsefenin kaçınılmazlığına inanır. Çalışmamızın özünü ve amacını İbn Rüşd’ün felsefesindeki temel kavram ve düşünceler oluşturmaktadır. Makalede felsefenin İbn Rüşd açısından akli zorunluluk ve dinsel meşruiyeti sorgulanmakta, felsefi ve dini veriler ışığında değerlendirilmektedir. Dinsel veriler ve rasyonel gereklilik bağlamında İbn Rüşd’ün felsefe savunusunun özellikleri ortaya konmakta ve önemi vurgulanmaktadır. Averroes is a philosopher of an era in which the rational foundations of Islamic thought weakening, and the philosophical mind was on the verge of decline. He regards the position of religion as possible and necessary in terms of philosophy, he sees philosophical activity necessary in terms of religion. The purpose and essence of our study based on the main principles and defenses of philosophy of Averroes. It discusses the rational necessity and religious legitimacy of philosophy in the context of Averroes’ defense of philosophy. It focuses on importance of philosophy in the eyes of Averroes and how he legitimize philosophy in terms of religion.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5578","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5578,"authors_free":[{"id":6474,"entry_id":5578,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Rafiz Manafov","free_first_name":"Rafiz ","free_last_name":"Manafov","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}},{"id":6475,"entry_id":5578,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Adem Akman","free_first_name":"Adem ","free_last_name":"Akman","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}}],"entry_title":"Ak\u0131lsal Zorunluluk ve Din\u00ee Me\u015fruiyet Ba\u011flam\u0131nda \u0130bn R\u00fc\u015fd\u2019\u00fcn Felsefe Savunusu","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"The Defense of Philosophy According to Averroes in the Context of Rational Necessity and Religious Legitimacy","main_title":{"title":"Ak\u0131lsal Zorunluluk ve Din\u00ee Me\u015fruiyet Ba\u011flam\u0131nda \u0130bn R\u00fc\u015fd\u2019\u00fcn Felsefe Savunusu"},"abstract":"\u0130bn R\u00fc\u015fd \u0130slam d\u00fc\u015f\u00fcncesinin akli temellerinin ve felsefi d\u00fc\u015f\u00fcncenin gerilemeye y\u00fcz tuttu\u011fu bir d\u00f6nemin filozofudur. O, felsefi a\u00e7\u0131dan dinin konumunu gerekli g\u00f6rd\u00fc\u011f\u00fc kadar, din a\u00e7\u0131s\u0131ndan da felsefenin ka\u00e7\u0131n\u0131lmazl\u0131\u011f\u0131na inan\u0131r. \u00c7al\u0131\u015fmam\u0131z\u0131n \u00f6z\u00fcn\u00fc ve amac\u0131n\u0131 \u0130bn R\u00fc\u015fd\u2019\u00fcn felsefesindeki temel kavram ve d\u00fc\u015f\u00fcnceler olu\u015fturmaktad\u0131r. Makalede felsefenin \u0130bn R\u00fc\u015fd a\u00e7\u0131s\u0131ndan akli zorunluluk ve dinsel me\u015fruiyeti sorgulanmakta, felsefi ve dini veriler \u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131nda de\u011ferlendirilmektedir. Dinsel veriler ve rasyonel gereklilik ba\u011flam\u0131nda \u0130bn R\u00fc\u015fd\u2019\u00fcn felsefe savunusunun \u00f6zellikleri ortaya konmakta ve \u00f6nemi vurgulanmaktad\u0131r.\r\n\r\nAverroes is a philosopher of an era in which the rational foundations of Islamic thought weakening, and the philosophical mind was on the verge of decline. He regards the position of religion as possible and necessary in terms of philosophy, he sees philosophical activity necessary in terms of religion. The purpose and essence of our study based on the main principles and defenses of philosophy of Averroes. It discusses the rational necessity and religious legitimacy of philosophy in the context of Averroes\u2019 defense of philosophy. It focuses on importance of philosophy in the eyes of Averroes and how he legitimize philosophy in terms of religion.","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"Turkish","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.18506\/anemon.906725","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1},{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5578,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Anemon Mu\u015f Alparslan \u00dcniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi ","volume":" 9 (\u0130DEKTA)","issue":"","pages":"131-139"}},"sort":["Ak\u0131lsal Zorunluluk ve Din\u00ee Me\u015fruiyet Ba\u011flam\u0131nda \u0130bn R\u00fc\u015fd\u2019\u00fcn Felsefe Savunusu"]}

Al-Miklātī, a Twelfth Century Aš’arite Reader of Averroes, 2012
By: Yamina Adouhane, Yamina Adouhane
Title Al-Miklātī, a Twelfth Century Aš’arite Reader of Averroes
Type Article
Language English
Date 2012
Journal Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Volume 22
Issue 2
Pages 155–197
Categories Proceedings, Relation between Philosophy and Theology, al-Ġazālī
Author(s) Yamina Adouhane , Yamina Adouhane
The aim of this article is to present a new witness of Averroes' reception in the Muslim world, in the years that immediately followed his death. Indeed Abū al-Ḥağğāğ al-Miklātī (d. 1237) is an Ašʿarite theologian, who was born in Fez. He is the author of a Quintessence of the Intellects in Response to Philosophers on the Science of Principles in which he aims at refuting the Peripatetic philosophers in their own field, using their own weapons. This article will first attempt to draw the portrait of this atypical theologian. It will then focus on showing that al-Miklātī – although he never mentions his name – is a reader of Averroes and in particular, of his Tahāfut al-Tahāfut, of which he makes various and unexpected uses. A close look at these uses will enable us to better define the nature of al-Miklātī's work. More importantly, this article will try to prove that al-Miklātī provides us with a key passage of Averroes' lost treatise On the Prime Mover. At the heart of the Rushdian criticism of Avicenna's “metaphysical” proof, this passage should throw new light on Averroes' precise understanding of this proof.

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Allegorical Interpretation of the Role of Philosophy in the Discourse of Philo and Ibn Rushd, 2012
By: Shuhaimi M. Bin Haji Ishak
Title Allegorical Interpretation of the Role of Philosophy in the Discourse of Philo and Ibn Rushd
Type Article
Language English
Date 2012
Journal Al-Masāq
Volume 24
Issue 3
Pages 253–264
Categories Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Shuhaimi M. Bin Haji Ishak
Instead of dismissing traditional mythology and poetry as heresies, Greek philosophy introduced a methodology of understanding known as allegory. Philo of Alexandria (20 BC-50 AD) was one of the first to employ allegory for understanding religious scriptures whose writings survived in the Christian traditions. In the Arab world, the philosopher Ibn Rushd (520-595/1126-1198) initiated the same method of commentary with his demonstration of the essential harmony between philosophy properly understood and scripture properly interpreted. This essay posits that Greek philosophy laid down a common tool for understanding the scriptures that exist in the Christian and Muslim traditions.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"1762","_score":null,"_source":{"id":1762,"authors_free":[{"id":2033,"entry_id":1762,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1496,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Shuhaimi M. Bin Haji Ishak","free_first_name":"Shuhaimi M.","free_last_name":"Bin Haji Ishak","norm_person":{"id":1496,"first_name":"Shuhaimi M.","last_name":"Bin Haji Ishak","full_name":"Shuhaimi M. Bin Haji Ishak","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1038449014","viaf_url":"http:\/\/\/viaf\/305147204","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Shuhaimi M. Bin Haji Ishak"}}],"entry_title":"Allegorical Interpretation of the Role of Philosophy in the Discourse of Philo and Ibn Rushd","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Allegorical Interpretation of the Role of Philosophy in the Discourse of Philo and Ibn Rushd"},"abstract":"Instead of dismissing traditional mythology and poetry as heresies, Greek philosophy introduced a methodology of understanding known as allegory. Philo of Alexandria (20 BC-50 AD) was one of the first to employ allegory for understanding religious scriptures whose writings survived in the Christian traditions. In the Arab world, the philosopher Ibn Rushd (520-595\/1126-1198) initiated the same method of commentary with his demonstration of the essential harmony between philosophy properly understood and scripture properly interpreted. This essay posits that Greek philosophy laid down a common tool for understanding the scriptures that exist in the Christian and Muslim traditions.","btype":3,"date":"2012","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.1080\/09503110.2012.727656","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[{"id":1496,"full_name":"Shuhaimi M. Bin Haji Ishak","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":1762,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Al-Mas\u0101q","volume":"24","issue":"3","pages":"253\u2013264"}},"sort":["Allegorical Interpretation of the Role of Philosophy in the Discourse of Philo and Ibn Rushd"]}

Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averróis, 2021
By: Arthur Klik
Title Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averróis
Translation Religious assent and Philosophy in Averroes’ Fasl al-maqal
Type Article
Language Portuguese
Date 2021
Journal DoisPontos
Volume 18
Issue 1
Pages 113-132
Categories Law, Theology, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Arthur Klik
O Fasl al-maqal, umas das obras originais de Averróis, se destaca por seu caráter polêmico. Sendo redigida como um pronunciamento jurídico, tem como um de seus objetivos principais analisar o estatuto da filosofia em face da Lei islâmica, ao verificar qual é a atitude que deve ser adotada por todo aquele que travar contato com as obras da antiguidade grega. Em um cenário em que a legitimidade da filosofia se coloca em questão, o diagnóstico e a solução propostos por Averróis se destacam ao apresentar uma interpretação singular da Lei ante a filosofia, concebendo a segunda como um elemento necessário para a saúde da comunidade. Este artigo pretende analisar essa interpretação, na qual três pontos se colocam na consideração da relação entre filosofia e revelação: o (1) asseguramento da possibilidade do assentimento religioso individual e (2) da manutenção do bem-estar geral junto à (3) possibilidade de se afirmar a legitimidade de um intérprete que garanta o assentimento correto aos crentes não filósofos An original work of Averroes, the Fasl al-maqal is remarked by its controversial character. Composed as a juridical statement, one of its main goals is to analyze the role of philosophy in Islamic Law determining which attitude must be adopted by those aware of the works of Greek antiquity. Facing a problematic scenario in which the legitimacy of philosophy is putted in question, the diagnosis and solution proposed by Averroes emphasizes a unique interpretation of the Law guided by Philosophy devised as a required element to achieve community welfare. This article intends to analyze that interpretation in which three points arise about the relationship between philosophy and revelation: (1) the insurance of the individual possibility of religious assent; (2) the endurance of common welfare, both associated to (3) the possibility of assert the legitimacy of an interpreter able to assure the correct assent to common believers

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5560","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5560,"authors_free":[{"id":6454,"entry_id":5560,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Arthur Klik","free_first_name":"Arthur ","free_last_name":"Klik","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averr\u00f3is","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"Religious assent and Philosophy in Averroes\u2019 Fasl al-maqal","main_title":{"title":"Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averr\u00f3is"},"abstract":"O Fasl al-maqal, umas das obras originais de Averr\u00f3is, se destaca por seu car\u00e1ter pol\u00eamico. Sendo redigida como um pronunciamento jur\u00eddico, tem como um de seus objetivos principais analisar o estatuto da filosofia em face da Lei isl\u00e2mica, ao verificar qual \u00e9 a atitude que deve ser adotada por todo aquele que travar contato com as obras da antiguidade grega. Em um cen\u00e1rio em que a legitimidade da filosofia se coloca em quest\u00e3o, o diagn\u00f3stico e a solu\u00e7\u00e3o propostos por Averr\u00f3is se destacam ao apresentar uma interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o singular da Lei ante a filosofia, concebendo a segunda como um elemento necess\u00e1rio para a sa\u00fade da comunidade. Este artigo pretende analisar essa interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o, na qual tr\u00eas pontos se colocam na considera\u00e7\u00e3o da rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre filosofia e revela\u00e7\u00e3o: o (1) \r\nasseguramento da possibilidade do assentimento religioso individual e (2) da manuten\u00e7\u00e3o do bem-estar geral junto \u00e0 (3) possibilidade de se afirmar a legitimidade de um int\u00e9rprete que garanta o assentimento correto aos crentes n\u00e3o fil\u00f3sofos \r\n\r\nAn original work of Averroes, the Fasl al-maqal is remarked by its controversial character. Composed as a juridical statement, one of its main goals is to analyze the role of philosophy in Islamic Law determining which attitude must be adopted by those aware of the works of Greek antiquity. Facing a problematic scenario in which the legitimacy of philosophy is putted in question, the diagnosis and solution proposed by Averroes emphasizes a unique interpretation of the Law guided by Philosophy devised as a required element to achieve community welfare. This article intends to analyze that interpretation in which three points arise about the relationship between philosophy and revelation: (1) the insurance of the individual possibility of religious assent; (2) the endurance of \r\ncommon welfare, both associated to (3) the possibility of assert the legitimacy of an interpreter able to assure the correct assent to common believers","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"Portuguese","online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":26,"category_name":"Law","link":"bib?categories[]=Law"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5560,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"DoisPontos","volume":"18","issue":"1","pages":"113-132"}},"sort":["Assentimento religioso e Filosofia no Fasl al-maqal de Averr\u00f3is"]}

Averroes y su uso de aleyas coránicas, 2013
By: Josep Puig Montada
Title Averroes y su uso de aleyas coránicas
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2013
Journal SVMMA, Revista de Cultures Medievals
Volume 1
Issue 1
Pages 12-22
Categories Theology, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Josep Puig Montada
El artículo considera el uso que hace Averroes de las citas coránicas en sus obras, y establece diferentes categorías. En la primera se encuentra su obra teológica cuyo título se puede traducir como Los métodos de las pruebas en las doctrinas de la religión, donde las aleyas son la base de estas doctrinas. A la segunda pertenece su comentario medio a la Retórica donde el Corán es citado por ser un modelo literario. La tercera situación es ante todo la de su obra “Tratado definitivo”, la cual tiene forma de dictamen jurídico (fatwâ). La última situación es la de obras filosóficas donde Averroes cita aleyas coránicas para su interpretación de Aristóteles. The article considers how Averroes makes use of Quranic verses in his works and classifies them into different categories. His theological treatise, that can be translated as Disclosure of the Proof Methods Concerning the Principles of Religion, based on Quranic verses, belongs to the first category. Averroes middle commentary on the Aristotelian Rhetoric belongs to the second, in which the Qur’an is quoted as a literary paradigm. In the third category we find his ‘Definitive Treatise’, written in the form of a fatwā or legal response. His philosophical works belong to the last category, in which Averroes makes use of Quranic verses to buttress his interpretation of Aristotle.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5593","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5593,"authors_free":[{"id":6492,"entry_id":5593,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":343,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Josep Puig Montada","free_first_name":"Josep Puig ","free_last_name":" Montada","norm_person":{"id":343,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"Josep Puig Montada","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/188325034","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/61625512","db_url":"NULL","from_claudius":0,"link":"bib?authors[]=Josep Puig Montada"}}],"entry_title":"Averroes y su uso de aleyas cor\u00e1nicas","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Averroes y su uso de aleyas cor\u00e1nicas"},"abstract":"El art\u00edculo considera el uso que hace Averroes de las citas cor\u00e1nicas en sus obras, y establece diferentes categor\u00edas. En la primera se encuentra su obra teol\u00f3gica cuyo t\u00edtulo se puede traducir como Los m\u00e9todos de las pruebas en las doctrinas de la religi\u00f3n, donde las aleyas son la base de estas doctrinas. A la segunda pertenece su comentario medio a la Ret\u00f3rica donde el Cor\u00e1n es citado por ser un modelo literario. La tercera situaci\u00f3n es ante todo la de su obra \u201cTratado definitivo\u201d, la cual tiene forma de dictamen jur\u00eddico (fatw\u00e2). La \u00faltima situaci\u00f3n es la de obras filos\u00f3ficas donde Averroes cita aleyas cor\u00e1nicas para su interpretaci\u00f3n de Arist\u00f3teles.\r\n\r\nThe article considers how Averroes makes use of Quranic verses in his works and classifies them into different categories. His theological treatise, that can be translated as Disclosure of the Proof Methods Concerning the Principles of Religion, based on Quranic verses, belongs to the first category. Averroes middle commentary on the Aristotelian Rhetoric belongs to the second, in which the Qur\u2019an is quoted as a literary paradigm. In the third category we find his \u2018Definitive Treatise\u2019, written in the form of a fatw\u0101 or legal response. His philosophical works belong to the last category, in which Averroes makes use of Quranic verses to buttress his interpretation of Aristotle.","btype":3,"date":"2013","language":"Spanish","online_url":"","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[{"id":343,"full_name":"Josep Puig Montada","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5593,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"SVMMA, Revista de Cultures Medievals","volume":"1","issue":"1","pages":"12-22"}},"sort":["Averroes y su uso de aleyas cor\u00e1nicas"]}

Averroes: Explicación aristotélica del Universo, 2008
By: Rafael Ramón Guerrero
Title Averroes: Explicación aristotélica del Universo
Translation Averroes: Aristotelian explanation on the Universe
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2008
Journal Filosofia Unisionos
Volume 9
Issue 1
Pages 25–42
Categories Natural Philosophy, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Rafael Ramón Guerrero
This paper aims at studying the original way Averroes explains the universe and answering the new problematic on reveled truth and reason. Averroes formulation must not be considered as “the” Islamic philosophy of nature, but as one among many different philosophies of nature formulated by Muslims philosophers.

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Averroës' Takfir of al-Ghazālī: Ta'wīl and Causal Kufr, 2021
By: Saja Parvizian
Title Averroës' Takfir of al-Ghazālī: Ta'wīl and Causal Kufr
Type Article
Language English
Date 2021
Journal American journal of Islam and society
Volume 38
Issue 1/2
Pages 60-92
Categories al-Ġazālī, Relation between Philosophy and Theology, Theology
Author(s) Saja Parvizian
Al-Ghazālı̄ famously claims in the Incoherence of the Philosophers that al-Fārābī and Avicenna are unbelievers because they hold philosophical positions that conflict with Islam. What is less well-known, however, is that Averroës claims in the Decisive Treatise that al-Fārābī and Avicenna are not unbelievers; rather, al-Ghazālı̄ is the true unbeliever for writing the Incoherence of the Philosophers. In this paper, my aim is to present a sustained reconstruction of Averroës’ legal and philosophical argument for why al-Ghazālı̄ is an unbeliever. The crux of Averroës’ argument is that al-Ghazālı̄ has expressed false allegorical interpretations of scripture to unqualified persons, which has caused them to fall into unbelief. By being causally responsible for other people’s unbelief, al-Ghazālı̄ is an unbeliever as well.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5566","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5566,"authors_free":[{"id":6460,"entry_id":5566,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Saja Parvizian","free_first_name":"Saja ","free_last_name":"Parvizian","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}}],"entry_title":"Averro\u00ebs' Takfir of al-Ghaz\u0101l\u012b: Ta'w\u012bl and Causal Kufr","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Averro\u00ebs' Takfir of al-Ghaz\u0101l\u012b: Ta'w\u012bl and Causal Kufr"},"abstract":"Al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 famously claims in the Incoherence of the Philosophers that al-Fa\u0304ra\u0304bi\u0304 and Avicenna are unbelievers because they hold philosophical positions that conflict with Islam. What is less well-known, however, is that Averroe\u0308s claims in the Decisive Treatise that al-Fa\u0304ra\u0304bi\u0304 and Avicenna are not unbelievers; rather, al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 is the true unbeliever for writing the Incoherence of the Philosophers. In this paper, my aim is to present a sustained reconstruction of Averroe\u0308s\u2019 legal and philosophical argument for why al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 is an unbeliever. The crux of Averroe\u0308s\u2019 argument is that al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 has expressed false allegorical interpretations of scripture to unqualified persons, which has caused them to fall into unbelief. By being causally responsible for other people\u2019s unbelief, al-Ghaza\u0304l\u0131\u0304 is an unbeliever as well.","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.35632\/ajis.v38i1-2.735","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":14,"category_name":"al-\u0120az\u0101l\u012b","link":"bib?categories[]=al-\u0120az\u0101l\u012b"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"}],"authors":[{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5566,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"American journal of Islam and society","volume":"38","issue":"1\/2","pages":"60-92"}},"sort":["Averro\u00ebs' Takfir of al-Ghaz\u0101l\u012b: Ta'w\u012bl and Causal Kufr"]}

Dante and the "Falasifa": Religion as Imagination, 2007
By: Gregory B. Stone
Title Dante and the "Falasifa": Religion as Imagination
Type Article
Language English
Date 2007
Journal Dante Studies, with the Annual Report of the Dante Society
Volume 125
Pages 133-156
Categories Tradition and Reception, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Gregory B. Stone

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5760","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5760,"authors_free":[{"id":6669,"entry_id":5760,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1892,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Gregory B. Stone","free_first_name":"Gregory B. ","free_last_name":"Stone","norm_person":{"id":1892,"first_name":"Gregory B. ","last_name":"Stone","full_name":"Gregory B. Stone","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":null,"dnb_url":"https:\/\/\/gnd\/114554407X","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":null,"link":"bib?authors[]=Gregory B. Stone"}}],"entry_title":"Dante and the \"Falasifa\": Religion as Imagination","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Dante and the \"Falasifa\": Religion as Imagination"},"abstract":"","btype":3,"date":"2007","language":"English","online_url":"https:\/\/\/stable\/40350662","doi_url":"","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":43,"category_name":"Tradition and Reception","link":"bib?categories[]=Tradition and Reception"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[{"id":1892,"full_name":"Gregory B. Stone","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5760,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Dante Studies, with the Annual Report of the Dante Society","volume":"125","issue":"","pages":"133-156"}},"sort":["Dante and the \"Falasifa\": Religion as Imagination"]}

El filósofo como heredero de los profetas: el racionalismo islámico de Averroes, 2015
By: Diego R. Sarrió
Title El filósofo como heredero de los profetas: el racionalismo islámico de Averroes
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2015
Journal Al-Qantara
Volume 36
Issue 1
Pages 45–68
Categories Law, Theology, Relation between Philosophy and Theology
Author(s) Diego R. Sarrió
El presente artículo argumenta que por debajo del marco jurídico del Faṣl al-maqāl subyace el deseo de conciliar los requerimientos de la razón con las exigencias de la fe. Averroes basa tal conciliación en la aceptación de una teoría hermenéutica según la cual, la Palabra Divina se dirige a cada ser humano según su capacidad intelectual. Por consiguiente, Averroes no excluye a los sabios del deber religioso de asentir a la verdad revelada. Contrariamente a interpretaciones exageradamente secularizadoras de su racionalismo, el artículo sugiere que Averroes concibió la filosofía en términos cuasi religiosos, como la obra más noble que se puede llevar a cabo en presencia de Dios, cuyo ejercicio convierte a sus practicantes en los legítimos «herederos de los profetas».

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5289","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5289,"authors_free":[{"id":6108,"entry_id":5289,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":null,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Diego R. Sarri\u00f3","free_first_name":"Diego R.,","free_last_name":"Sarri\u00f3","norm_person":null}],"entry_title":"El fil\u00f3sofo como heredero de los profetas: el racionalismo isl\u00e1mico de Averroes","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"El fil\u00f3sofo como heredero de los profetas: el racionalismo isl\u00e1mico de Averroes"},"abstract":"El presente art\u00edculo argumenta que por debajo del marco jur\u00eddico del Fa\u1e63l al-maq\u0101l subyace el deseo de conciliar los requerimientos de la raz\u00f3n con las exigencias de la fe. Averroes basa tal conciliaci\u00f3n en la aceptaci\u00f3n de una teor\u00eda hermen\u00e9utica seg\u00fan la cual, la Palabra Divina se dirige a cada ser humano seg\u00fan su capacidad intelectual. Por consiguiente, Averroes no excluye a los sabios del deber religioso de asentir a la verdad revelada. Contrariamente a interpretaciones exageradamente secularizadoras de su racionalismo, el art\u00edculo sugiere que Averroes concibi\u00f3 la filosof\u00eda en t\u00e9rminos cuasi religiosos, como la obra m\u00e1s noble que se puede llevar a cabo en presencia de Dios, cuyo ejercicio convierte a sus practicantes en los leg\u00edtimos \u00abherederos de los profetas\u00bb.","btype":3,"date":"2015","language":"Spanish","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.3989\/alqantara.2015.002 ","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":26,"category_name":"Law","link":"bib?categories[]=Law"},{"id":39,"category_name":"Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Theology"},{"id":47,"category_name":"Relation between Philosophy and Theology","link":"bib?categories[]=Relation between Philosophy and Theology"}],"authors":[],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5289,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Al-Qantara","volume":"36","issue":"1","pages":"45\u201368"}},"sort":["El fil\u00f3sofo como heredero de los profetas: el racionalismo isl\u00e1mico de Averroes"]}

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