Averroes, Commentum super libro praedicamentorum, transl. William of Luna. section: 34
1 super substantiam primam; et illud est quia Sortes et Plato significant VIEW AND COMPARE
2 super id cui innuitur tantum; sed homo et animal et uniuersaliter genus VIEW AND COMPARE
3 et species significant quidem super multa. Sed ipsa cum hoc separant VIEW AND COMPARE
4 illa multa ab aliis que sunt extra se, non separatione que estsignumuel nota VIEW AND COMPARE
5 tantum (sicut separat album rem dispositam per ipsum), sed separatione VIEW AND COMPARE
6 in substantia rei; species namque et genus ponuntur ad diffiniendum VIEW AND COMPARE
7 rem in substantia sua ab aliquo, nisi quia genus est magis includens VIEW AND COMPARE
8 quam species; et illud est quia nomen animalis includit illud super quod VIEW AND COMPARE
9 significat nomen hominis, cum sit animal genus hominis. VIEW AND COMPARE

Differentia 12

10 Differentia duodecima VIEW AND COMPARE
11 [30] Et ex propriis predicamenti substantie est quod non habet contra- VIEW AND COMPARE
12 rium, quia non inuenitur homini nec animali contrarium. Verum in hoc VIEW AND COMPARE
13 proprio communicant ei preter ipsum ex predicamentis: uerbi gratia in VIEW AND COMPARE

MC Categories (Lat.)

Averroes, Commentum super libro praedicamentorum, transl. William of Luna.

Averroes, Commentum super libro praedicamentorum, transl. William of Luna. Digital copy of Commentum medium super libro Praedicamentorum Aristotelis. Translatio Wilhelmo de Luna adscripta (Averrois Opera. Series B: Averroes Latinus 11), ed. R[oland] Hissette, Leuven: Peeters, 2010. Cologne: Digital Averroes Research Environment (DARE), 2011. URI: dare.uni-koeln.de/app/fulltexts/FT9 .

Prologus Page: 1
Pars 1 Page: 2
--Capitulum 1 Page: 3
--Capitulum 2 Page: 6
--Capitulum 3 Page: 9
--Capitulum 4 Page: 10
--Capitulum 5 Page: 11
Pars 2 Page: 14
-Diuisio 1 Page: 14
-Diuisio 1. Sermo in substantia Page: 18
--Differentia 1 Page: 18
--Differentia 2 Page: 19
--Differentia 3 Page: 20
--Differentia 4 Page: 23
--Differentia 5 Page: 24
--Differentia 6 Page: 26
--Differentia 7 Page: 26
--Differentia 8 Page: 29
--Differentia 9 Page: 29
--Differentia 10 Page: 31
--Differentia 11 Page: 33
--Differentia 12 Page: 34
--Differentia 13 Page: 35
--Differentia 14 Page: 36
-Diuisio 2 partis 2. Sermo in quantitate Page: 40
--Differentia 1 Page: 42
--Differentia 2 Page: 42
--Differentia 3 Page: 45
--Differentia 4 Page: 47
--Differentia 5 Page: 48
--Differentia 6 Page: 54
--Differentia 7 Page: 55
-Diuisio 3. Sermo in predicamento relationis Page: 56
--Differentia 1 Page: 60
--Differentia 2 Page: 61
--Differentia 3 Page: 62
--Differentia 4 Page: 62
--Differentia 5 Page: 67
--Differentia 6 Page: 69
--Differentia 7 Page: 72
--Differentia 8 Page: 75
-Diuisio 4. Sermo in qualitate Page: 77
--Differentia 1 Page: 79
--Differentia 2 Page: 79
--Differentia 3 Page: 81
--Differentia 4 Page: 83
--Differentia 5 Page: 88
--Differentia 6 Page: 89
--Differentia 7 Page: 91
--Differentia 8 Page: 93
--Differentia 9 Page: 94
--Differentia 10 Page: 96
--Differentia 11 Page: 96
-Diuisio 5. Sermo in agere et pati Page: 98
-Diuisio 6. Sermo in predicamento positionis Page: 99
Pars 3 Page: 100
-Diuisio 1. Sermo in oppositis Page: 100
--Differentia 1 Page: 101
--Differentia 2 Page: 102
--Differentia 3 Page: 103
--Differentia 4 Page: 104
--Differentia 5 Page: 106
--Differentia 6 Page: 107
--Differentia 7 Page: 108
--Differentia 8 Page: 112
--Differentia 9 Page: 113
--Differentia 10 Page: 116
--Differentia 11 Page: 117
-Diuisio 2. Sermo in priore Page: 118
-Diuisio 3. Sermo in simul Page: 119
-Diuisio 4. Sermo in motu Page: 122
-Diuisio 5. Sermo in habere Page: 125