1 | Et ideo in hoc sermone est ambiguitas nisi sit secundum quod | VIEW AND COMPARE |
2 | Themistius dicit: dixit enim quod hoc quod dixit fuit per consuetu- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
3 | dinem Pitagoricorum: vocant enim Pitagorici superius partem dex- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
4 | tram et inferius sinistram; et forte medietas orbis que est superior est | VIEW AND COMPARE |
5 | dignior ut sit dextra, et medietas orbis que est inferior ut sit sinistra; | VIEW AND COMPARE |
6 | et si non, in rei veritate est secundum quod diximus. Et quia Pitago- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
7 | ras dicit hoc in istis partibus contrarium ei quod ostensum fuit hic, | VIEW AND COMPARE |
8 | demonstravit hoc. Pitagorici enim dicunt quod habitantes sub polo | VIEW AND COMPARE |
9 | septentrionali scilicet nos sunt supra celum et in dextro; et narravit | VIEW AND COMPARE |
10 | quod sermo eorum non est verus. Et forte Pitagorici non credunt | VIEW AND COMPARE |
11 | quod iste locus est superius nisi | quia credunt ipsum habitabilem | VIEW AND COMPARE |
12 | naturaliter propter illud quod apparet in hac medietate ex multitu- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
13 | dine stellarum fixarum; Aristoteles enim declarat in alio loco quod | VIEW AND COMPARE |
14 | stelle sunt nobiliores partium totius orbis; et cum ita sit, pars ergo in | VIEW AND COMPARE |
15 | qua sunt plures stelle est nobilior, nisi aliquis dicat quod pars meri- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
16 | dionalis facit illud quod facit pars septentrionalis per pauciores stellas | VIEW AND COMPARE |
17 | propter magnitudinem sue potentie; et ideo non provenit obiectio | VIEW AND COMPARE |
18 | super Aristotelem ex hoc. | VIEW AND COMPARE |
19 | Et quia motus aliarum stellarum erraticarum contrarius est motui | VIEW AND COMPARE |
20 | stellarum fixarum in parte, narravit quod necesse est ut simus secun- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
21 | dum motum erraticarum in sursum et dextro, et quod habitantes sub | VIEW AND COMPARE |
22 | polo meridionali in respectu istorum orbium sunt in deorsum et | VIEW AND COMPARE |
23 | sinistro ita quod natura non congregat in aliqua parte ut habitantes | VIEW AND COMPARE |
24 | eam sint in deorsum et sinistrum secundum omnes orbes. Et est | VIEW AND COMPARE |
25 | locus huiusmodi considerationis que pars sit nobilior, quoniam illi | VIEW AND COMPARE |
26 | qui sunt sub polo meridionali sunt secundum orbes erraticos in deor- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
27 | sum et sinistrum et secundum fixos in sursum et dextrum, nos autem | VIEW AND COMPARE |
28 | econverso; si ergo motus stellarum fixarum sit nobilior omnibus istis | VIEW AND COMPARE |
29 | motibus, ergo et locus earum est nobilior, et forte sunt nobiliores | VIEW AND COMPARE |
30 | propter magnitudinem earum et velocitatem motus earum, sed intel- | VIEW AND COMPARE |
31 | lectus humanus non potest comprehendere verificationem istius | VIEW AND COMPARE |
32 | comparationis. | VIEW AND COMPARE |
Averroes, Commentum super libro de celo et mundo, transl. Michael Scotus. Digital copy of Averrois Cordubensis commentum magnum super libro De celo et mundo Aristotelis, edd. Francis Carmody, Rüdiger Arnzen (Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales. Bibliotheca 4), Leuven: Peeters, 2003. Cologne: Digital Averroes Research Environment (DARE), 2012. URI: dare.uni-koeln.de/app/fulltexts/FT19 .
Liber 1 | Page: 1 | |
-Prologus | Page: 1 | |
-Textus/Commentum [1] | Page: 2 | |
-Textus/Commentum [2] | Page: 4 | |
-Textus/Commentum [3] | Page: 7 | |
-Textus/Commentum [4] | Page: 9 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [18] | Page: 23 | |
-Textus/Commentum [19] | Page: 25 | |
-Textus/Commentum [20] | Page: 25 | |
-Textus/Commentum [21] | Page: 28 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [108/109] | Page: 168 | |
-Textus/Commentum [109/110] | Page: 173 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [119/120] | Page: 186 | |
-Textus/Commentum [120/121] | Page: 187 | |
-Textus/Commentum [121/122] | Page: 192 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [123/124] | Page: 197 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [139/140] | Page: 222 | |
-Textus/Commentum [140/141] | Page: 223 | |
Liber 2 | Page: 224 | |
-Textus/Commentum [1] | Page: 225 | |
-Textus/Commentum [2] | Page: 227 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [16] | Page: 251 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [24] | Page: 261 | |
-Textus/Commentum [25] | Page: 263 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [110] | Page: 414 | |
-Textus/Commentum [111] | Page: 416 | |
-Textus/Commentum [112] | Page: 418 | |
Liber 3 | Page: 420 | |
-Textus/Commentum [1] | Page: 422 | |
-Textus/Commentum [2] | Page: 422 | |
-Textus/Commentum [3] | Page: 424 | |
-Textus/Commentum [4] | Page: 426 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [75] | Page: 557 | |
-Textus/Commentum [76] | Page: 561 | |
-Textus/Commentum [77] | Page: 561 | |
Liber 4 | Page: 562 | |
-Prologus | Page: 562 | |
-Textus/Commentum [1] | Page: 563 | |
-Textus/Commentum [2] | Page: 563 | |
-Textus/Commentum [3] | Page: 565 | |
-Textus/Commentum [4] | Page: 565 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [25] | Page: 596 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [38] | Page: 626 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [41] | Page: 636 | |
-Textus/Commentum [42] | Page: 637 | |
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-Textus/Commentum [45] | Page: 640 |